The New Moon is on Friday, July 5, at 5:57 pm CDT in 14° Cancer. The sign Cancer relates to home and family, nurturing people, pets, and the plants in your house and garden. Designing and developing a calm, peaceful environment can be very beneficial at this New Moon. The Moon represents our emotions and in Cancer brings extra sensitivity. The Neptune stationary point of July 2nd at 29° Pisces adds to this sensitivity. We all feel extra hurt if criticized and maybe extra angry. When we get in that type of agitated state it's harder than usual to relax. Some aura cleansing like deep breathing or taking a warm shower can be helpful. Other aura cleansing can be aural - like listening to a recorded mantra. Maybe you don't need three hours of OM like this recording, but even 5 or 10 minutes can make a difference. I have a whole list of mantras I like on my playlist: Mantra, Kirtan, Chanting We have so many other techniques in our spiritual toolbox, don't we? Hatha yoga is balancing. Walking in nature, especially by water, can be very healing for the New Moon in Cancer emotional fluctuations. Online: I'm in the middle of reading Ray Grasse's latest book "So, What Am I Doing Here, Anyway?" I've been highlighting so much in the Kindle version that if this were a paper book it would be very colorful. My favorite chapters are the ones about symbolism and the ones about astrology and, of course, the ones about both. I like this quote from his book: "If science is to ever recognize the worth of astrology, it will need to do what Kepler and others like him did, which is to open their minds to the possibility of a world filled with meaning and symbolism, rather than a cosmos entirely bereft of it." If you're a fan, like me, of symbolism and synchronicity, check out this free talk Saturday, July 6 by Robert Moss via The Shift Network: I've enjoyed all Robert Moss' free talks which always include a lot of good information. The Shift Network's free talks are usually about 45 minutes plus 15 minutes giving information on an upcoming paid course.
The Full Moon is on Friday, June 21 at 8:07 pm CDT in 1° Capricorn. It's a good time to focus on our most practical, down-to-earth projects and responsibilities. This type of focus is also helpful when Saturn makes its station point on June 29th at 19° Pisces. Keep things simple, concentrate on the highest priorities having the most realistic objectives. To balance out the sometimes cold, business-like nature of Capricorn, slide across the zodiac to the Sun in 1° Cancer of the Full Moon chart. The opposite of Capricorn, Cancer's nature is nurturing and empathic. In reflecting on this polarity, I remembered an affirmation I heard many years ago that brings these two signs together: I am loving and capable. Try writing it down and repeating it often over the next two weeks. Side Note: I think I heard the affirmation in a recording of a seminar by Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Which is symbolically appropriate because 'chicken soup' is often associated with mothering and nurturing and therefore the sign Cancer. Or try this perfect for Saturn in Pisces affirmation: Coming up: June 29th - Saturn station retrograde, 19° Pisces July 2nd - Neptune station retrograde at 29° Pisces Both these stationary points make the last week of June and first week of July a difficult time for new beginnings. Saturn portends delays and obstacles. Neptune hides relevant information. Both within a few days of each other can mean having to face an obstacle without some critical piece of information. Best to wait a week or so if possible before starting a big project or making important financial decisions. Online: If you are interested in the connection between Astrology, Karma and Kriya Yoga, check out my talk on the Temple of Kriya Yoga youtube channel: The New Moon is on Thursday, June 6 at 7:37 am CDT in 16° Gemini. With a lineup of planets in Gemini this week, it's a great time for communication whether social or business. Gemini, as a sign, is more comfortable with light topics instead of deep philosophy. This New Moon can be good for learning something new. For example, it's easy to learn a few words of a new language with online apps like Duolingo. It's also good for starting a journal where you only require yourself to jot down a few things each day or short form poetry like haiku. This type of new moon new beginning can be extended and deepened by your own intensity and duration. But the light, fun aspect of Gemini gives you permission to try something new and give it up without guilt if it's not the right thing for you. Here's a timely haiku from Basho, translated by R.H. Blyth: The shell of a cicada; Ongoing:
Beginning Astrology Beginner's Guide to Natal Astrology - Live! started last Wednesday. The class was recorded so if you want to join in to start your study of astrology, you still can. Lesson 2 is Wednesday June 5. Here's the link to more information and registration: Coming up: The Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR presents professional astrologer Kitty Hatcher on Tuesday, June 11, 7:30 pm via Zoom. Kitty's talk is called "What the Heck is Going On?" and she will explain what is going on with the planets and how this affects our personal lives, social consciousness, high technology, and political system. Kitty will also suggest how to stay positive and balanced in turbulent times. Register for this meeting with Zeffy: Or contact [email protected] for information on other types of payments. The Full Moon is on Thursday, May 23 at 8:52 am CDT in 2° Sagittarius. There is a whole network of aspects to the Full Moon that make it a time of vibrant communication and opportunities for expanding your philosophical or spiritual horizon of awareness. Exploration of foreign countries and languages - virtually or IRL - can expand you past intellectual limits or boundaries. Pluto at 2° Aquarius is making a strong positive connection to the Full Moon continuing whatever transformations began for you at the Pluto stationary point on May 2. Keep moving forward toward your highest priority goals. Jupiter at 29° Taurus makes an exact sextile to Neptune at 29° Pisces also on May 23. It's a good time to make charitable donations. Keep in mind that symbolically (and literally) your donations to charity represent the world you are trying to create. Keep those in need in your prayers as well. "Compassion is the foundation of all meaningful communication." Coming up: May 25 - Jupiter moves into Gemini and will transit through that sign until June 2025. That makes it a good year for learning something new especially related to communication, journalism and social media. It may help people in general to be more flexible about seeing multiple sides of an issue or various solutions to a problem. May 29 - NEW: Beginner's Guide to Natal Astrology - Live! With Marcia Sacks Wednesdays, May 29 - June 19, 7 PM CDT via Zoom $180 includes Goswami Kriyananda's recorded lectures and text on the basics of astrology - planets, signs, houses and aspects PLUS a 4 week live class with extra content and handouts. Registration and more information: Online:
If you missed my talk on "Karmic Astrology: Where You're Coming From, Where You're Going to" on May 12th, you can purchase the video recording for $5 from the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR. Email [email protected] for more information. My lecture from 2023 on Planetary Containment is also available from them. If you are reading astrology charts for others, you might want to check out this chapter "Consultation Tips from a Long Time Astrologer" from Ray Grasse's new book "So What Am I Doing Here Anyway?" Goswami Kriyananda's book "Beginner's Guide to Meditation" is again available in paperback from Amazon: The New Moon is on Tuesday, May 7, at 10:21 pm CDT in 18° Taurus. The steady down-to-earth nature of the sign Taurus is still experiencing the urge to grow and expand creatively as four planets transit the degree of last month's Jupiter Uranus conjunction at 21° Taurus. Even though that aspect is now separating (with Uranus at 22° Taurus and Jupiter at 25° Taurus), when planets transit the point in space where the conjunction occurred, there's still an energy memory of their meeting that lasts for awhile. Did you take note of what happened for you in the days around the April 20th Jupiter conjunct Uranus? Did you think a new thought? Did you feel restless and rebellious? Did you give or receive a gift? Did you learn something fresh or original? What was your emotional response to events at that time? The Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be revisited by this New Moon on May 7th plus the following dates: May 11th - Sun conjuncts 21° Taurus May 16th - Venus conjuncts 21° Taurus May 29th - Mercury conjuncts 21° Taurus * July 7th - Mars conjuncts 21° Taurus The benefit of paying attention to the repeating cycles we find in astrology is gaining useful information that helps us to plan ahead and take advantage of these patterns. * My beginning astrology class starts on May 29th. It's auspicious because Mercury rules teaching and communication in general. I'm totally looking forward to it - see the announcement below in the "coming up" section. We're still under the influence of the Pluto stationary point on May 2 at 2° Aquarius. I wrote about this last Full Moon. The key word is 'transformation'. With Pluto, the transformation is usually an event or idea that you have been aware of for a long time. It's rarely something new or sudden. But the strength of Pluto's motivation multiplies your desire or brings the event or idea to the forefront so you have to deal with it now! Maybe that has happened already for you this week but the New Moon's nature of new beginnings may trigger it this week. Coming up: NCGR, Northern Illinois Chapter Tuesday, May 14, 7:30 pm via Zoom Karmic Astrology: Where You're Coming From, Where You're Going To With Marcia Sacks Your natal horoscope holds important information about the momentum of past actions and their influence on your life today. This talk will include five different techniques to explore past lives, the lessons of this lifetime, and how to improve your path toward the future, including future lifetimes.
Members: $5.00, Non-members: $10.00 Register and pay with Zeffy using this link: NEW: Beginner's Guide to Natal Astrology - Live! With Marcia Sacks Wednesdays, May 29 - June 19, 7 PM CDT via Zoom, $180 This course includes Goswami Kriyananda's recorded lectures and text on the basics of astrology - planets, signs, houses and aspects - PLUS a 4 week live class with extra content and handouts. Registration for this class should be online sometime this coming week. Look for it on my Facebook and Instagram and I'll have it in the next Astrology Update. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this class. Online: I was fortunate to be part of the Babaji Festival at the Temple of Kriya Yoga (on Zoom) at the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Here's the video including my talk which is at the 1:12:59 mark. The Full Moon is on Tuesday, April 23, at 6:48 pm CDT in 4° Scorpio, an excellent time for turning within and reflecting on the past two weeks. New moons are new beginnings and full moons often hold the results or culmination of things started at the new moon. In this case, the last new moon was a solar eclipse which is very potent for new beginnings. This past weekend we experienced the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, the urge for expansion combined with the urge for freedom. This Full Moon will re-emphasize that conjunction's new thoughts and ideas, perhaps the lightning strike of genius. Write down your ideas and reflect on the possibilities and potential that fulfilling them will bring. One symbol for Scorpio is still water, representing the clear pond in which you can see straight through to the bottom. When you can clear your mind, the waves of emotion subside and you can see each situation clearly. The Full Moon is square to Pluto at 2° Aquarius. Pluto is at a stationary point on May 2 bringing powerful ideas about transformation over the next two weeks. The most harmonious way to use this energy is to work on your own transformation and let go of trying to change the others in your life. I often use Pluto stationary points to clean out closets or old papers. I just have to remember to only work on my items, not those belonging to the other people in my household. Mercury goes direct on April 25 at 16° Aries. A few days after that, things that have gone 'backwards' in the past three weeks will begin to move forward. Exactly at the 4/25 stationary point though, there will tend to be both communication and travel delays.
Coming up: Save the date: I'll be doing a talk on Karmic Astrology for the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR on Tuesday, May 14 at 7:30 pm CDT via Zoom. I'll have more details in the next Astrology Update. Online: Lots more about the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, especially regarding its historical patterns, in this Astrology Podcast with Chris Brennan and Richard Tarnas. The New Moon, which is a Total Solar Eclipse, is on Monday, April 8, at 1:20 pm CDT in 19° Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, rushing into the future, moving forward with a burst of fiery energy. It might sound good until you find yourself (metaphorically) a rider astride a bucking bronco wondering how long you can hold on. If you already have a goal or project plan in place, put your energy there. Don't be surprised if there are some obstacles. Mars (the ruler of Aries) is conjunct Saturn at this eclipse time which can mean authority figures can (temporarily) block your actions. Saturn can be very helpful if somebody in your life insists you run your plan in a business-like way. Even if your plan is something simple, like a resolution to meditate daily, businesslike could mean writing down your intention, making a commitment to a certain time and place and establishing your meditation practice as a priority. A mantra for overcoming obstacles might be helpful to get Mars and Saturn working together constructively. Try this Ganesha one, "Om Gum Ganepataye Namaha". The approaching Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is also in the chart of the eclipse. That makes the eclipse a trigger even before the exact conjunction on April 20 at 21° Taurus. Jupiter is the urge to expand or grow and Uranus is the urge to seek freedom or disrupt the old order of things. At its best Jupiter is wisdom and higher learning and Uranus at its best is the lightning strike of genius. Watch for new thoughts and big ideas coming into your mind and write them down before they vanish. For astrology students: A conjunction is the most powerful aspect and can be both harmonious and inharmonious depending on the planets involved. Some of Goswami Kriyananda's words for Jupiter in harmonious aspect to Uranus: "originality and creative genius which often manifest in the realms of religion, law or medicine." And inharmonious: "tendency toward revolutionary attitudes and actions, often in the realm of religion, law, medicine or governments." Watch the news between now and the end of April and see if you can pick out the stories that match the aspect. Watch your own life and see if you can recognize Jupiter and Uranus in the flow of your thoughts and your impulses toward action. April is National Poetry Month
I was in a poetry salon this morning at The Narrative Method where we write to prompts and share our writing in small breakout groups. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction was on my mind so this was my haiku-ish poem today: Thinking a new thought How does that work in everyday life? The space between thoughts Thoughts and memories Where is the space in between Things past, things to do In a quiet room Sitting, breathing, and doing no thing Spark! Flash! Radical! The vastness of space Planets, galaxies, universe And beyond the beyond ~~~ Marcia Sacks 4/5/24 Coming Up: The Babaji Festival from The Temple of Kriya Yoga April 21, 2024 starting around noon via Zoom More information soon at The Babaji Festival celebrates the gurus of our lineage and will consist of music, meditation, wisdom talks and stories, plus I will be giving a short astrology talk with a meditation for the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. --- Ray Grasse's latest book "So What Am I Doing Here, Anyway" will be out on April 25th. This collection of astrological and philosophical essays has been reviewed by The Mountain Astrologer magazine. --- You can find me continuing to teach and mentor at the Temple of Kriya Yoga's Professional Astrology Course: This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse taking place on Monday, March 25 at 2 am CDT in 5° Libra. It is an "appulse" lunar eclipse. The alignment of the Moon, Earth and Sun are just the tiniest bit off. That means we won't see any darkening of the moon in an eclipse effect. Because it takes place in the middle of the night for most of the US, we might experience it more in our dreams. Our dream state seems to be more active and dreams more memorable at the Full Moon or a Lunar Eclipse. Be sure to write down your dreams in the morning and reflect on the symbols. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra expresses a duality with the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries. The Libra energy is all about building partnerships and conducting oneself in a tactful and diplomatic way. The Aries energy is about taking action and in the course of that action it can be assertive or aggressive. In your everyday life, watch where you are on the sliding scale of diplomatic to assertive. Depending on the situation, do you have the ability to slide the scale (change your emotional state) to facilitate the wisest or most productive outcome? Coming up: April 1, Mercury retrograde 27° Aries. When you read something online or on paper in the days surrounding this stationary point, be sure to validate that it isn't an April Fool's Day joke or that you've read the text correctly. May not be the best time to joke with others. Communication mistakes can take until Mercury goes direct on April 25 to clear up. April 8, Solar Eclipse, 19° Aries - Solar eclipses always bring change. Can you guide the change? Use this eclipse energy to visualize your positive future. Make a wish list of what you'd like to come into your life for the year ahead. Or create a "treasure map" by finding pictures of things on your wish list and make a collage. Online: I attended the Temple of Kriya Yoga Seminary program in the 1970s and was ordained Swami K. Adinadananda after graduation. This video tells a little bit about the seminary. There is great value in the different subjects studied. The greater value in my opinion is the opportunity to reflect on a life of service, and how we, as priests, bring whatever wisdom and compassion we have into our everyday lives and share that with the people around us. You can find me continuing to teach and mentor at the Temple of Kriya Yoga's Professional Astrology Course: The New Moon is on Sunday, March 10 at 4 am CDT in 20° Pisces. This New Moon can bring intuitive guidance. If you're using this New Moon as a time of new beginnings, take plenty of time for reflection, prayer or just having a friendly conversation with the way you visualize the Divine. Another Pisces keyword is 'receptive' which makes it an excellent time to surround yourself with an environment that evokes beauty and wisdom. Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune and the New Moon is in a wide orb conjunction with Neptune at 27° Pisces. With this aspect, we can find ourselves with "rose-colored glasses", looking at a situation or plan and only seeing an illusion of our dream and not the down-to-earth complications that may come with it. Go slowly into new projects and relationships and allow yourself time to gather the information you need. Music and mantra are especially effective at this time. Here is a very relaxing mantra for peace "Om Shanti Om" by Meditative Mind: Even though this is a 3 hour recording, just a few minutes may be enough to evoke that feeling of peace.
Online: Eric Klein from Wisdom Heart talks about "How Astrology and Meditation Work Together": Ray Grasse's article on "Saturn as the Key Karmic Challenge of the Horoscope": You can find me continuing to teach and mentor at the Temple of Kriya Yoga's Professional Astrology Course: The Full Moon is on Saturday, February 24 at 6:30 am CST in 5° Virgo. With the Full Moon in Virgo we find ourselves concerned with the practical and the details of life. Saturn conjunct the Sun and opposed to the Moon indicates our worries and limitations are magnified. Virgo's critical expression which can be so helpful in decision making is not at its best, since it will skew toward thinking small and choosing less than we deserve. Generally, people will tend toward being self-critical. Because Mercury is also in opposition to the Moon, communication with others may contain more judgment than open-mindedness. Kindness and compassion will be helpful in these situations. To use this Full Moon as a "spiritual scientist" or astrological observer, try this simple mirror work technique: Look in a mirror, smile, and say to yourself, "Hi there! I like you!" Observe your reaction and determine how difficult or easy this was for you. Write down your score in your journal, calendar or any piece of paper: On a scale of one to ten how much resistance did you feel when you said it? Zero is no resistance (or "that felt great!"). Ten is a lot of resistance ("I totally rejected that statement"). This would be one way of measuring how much the Moon/Sun/Saturn aspect is affecting you. A further experiment would be to do it every day, tracking it for a month and see if your response changes the week after the Full Moon when the Saturn energy starts to dissipate. Or if it's different when the New Moon is in Pisces on March 10 and is even farther way - 9° separating from Saturn. Online:
What is the most elevated planet in your horoscope? It's the one closest to the Midheaven or the highest planet above the horizon. Ray Grasse, who studied with my guru Goswami Kriyananda, wrote this interesting article for the Mountain Astrologer Magazine which is now available on the site and includes an interpretation for each planet: Decoding the Most Elevated Planet |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025