The Full Moon is Saturday, May 18 at 4:11 p.m. CDT in 27° Scorpio. New moons are new beginnings. Full moons often bring things to a completion or contain the results of whatever occurred at the new moon. Rather than begin something new, it is best to take some time out over the next few days to contemplate what resources (personal, financial, emotional or spiritual) you need to finish projects already started. Scorpio energy is excellent for this type of reflection. Venus and Uranus are conjunct in the Full Moon chart. New and unusual friends can pop into your life. Inventive and creative energy will spark new ideas. The hardest but most valuable work you can do at a Scorpio full moon is letting go of old hurts, angers and resentments. It's a type of emotional house-cleaning. One of the things I learned from Marie Kondo's system of getting rid of old physical stuff in your home is to start discarding the easiest things first, the ones with the least emotional content. I think you can do that with forgiveness work, too. If you inventory your angers and discover you're still angry at Amazon for delivering a package in three days instead of two, that might be something you can practice forgiveness on to begin with. Find something or someone on your list that's easy to forgive and visualize yourself saying "I forgive you" to that person or situation. Imagine sending them light or other type of blessing. When you get good at that, try it with whatever is a little bit harder. And so on. When we call something a spiritual practice, it means you need to practice it to get good at it. Practice forgiveness. What I've been thinking about the most since Sunday is a scene in Game of Thrones that was an unfortunately perfect visual of the Saturn/Pluto near conjunction which we experienced at the end of April. I'll describe it generally so that it's spoiler free - but if you saw it you'll know what I'm talking about. In the scene, a battle seems to have come to its conclusion. However, the leader of the battle pauses for a moment. In that terrible moment all the angers, pain and resentments the leader experienced in the past flares up and overtakes logic and reason. The leader re-mobilizes the forces and horrific destruction ensues. The viewer sees that the character's dreams for the future are destroyed in that moment. If you don't use spiritual or psychological practices and techniques for dealing with the negative emotions of the past, these emotions will rise up at some point with destructive force. For the average person, it's not a big battle with thousands of enemies. It's often something simple like an argument with someone you love and have no intention of hurting. A pattern from your past arises and suddenly you put a lot more heat into the 'discussion'. In the blink of an eye, the argument has escalated. In Kriya Yoga we learn to recognize the patterns through personal reflection and the use of astrology. Through meditation, we choose peace as a preferred state. Through forgiveness we 'de-magnetize' ourselves to negative patterns. When the karma arises with the urge to escalate a quarrel, we can select a different way to respond. Do your emotional house-cleaning now, before Saturn and Pluto are exactly conjunct in January 2020. ![]() In print: My article Getting to Know Yourself Deeply is in the May/June issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. ![]() If you're interested in learning more about karma, I recommend this book: The Laws of Karma by Goswami Kriyananda
This month's new moon is on November 18, 2017 in 26° Scorpio. Scorpio energy at the new moon is a gaze into a still pool of water, deep dives into memory with reflections on influences from the past. You become aware of how your present actions often have momentum from emotional events from the past. Letting go of the emotionality can be the new moon's new beginning.
Two aspects in the new moon chart bring challenges. Mars in Libra is squared Pluto in Capricorn (exact on 11/19). The tendency with this aspect is toward being judgmental and self-righteous. Be gentle with yourself and others. The second challenge comes from the Neptune station direct on November 22 at 11° Pisces. Neptune energy is very sensitive and intuitive which is excellent for your spiritual goals. The challenge when combined with the new moon plus the Mars square described above is that everyone will be sensitive (and thin-skinned) just at the point where others around you will be judgmental. Use techniques that strengthen your aura. Here's an easy one: Stand with your arms at your sides, palms turned out. As you inhale, bring your arms out to the sides and up to meet palms together over your head, stretching up (mountain pose variation). As you are bringing your arms up, imagine you are pulling a beautiful blue aura of healing energy around you. Turn your palms out and slowly exhale your arms down - pushing that aura of healing light even further out around you. (If you have any issues with doing this physically, just visualize yourself doing it.) More about the Neptune Station Point For the average person, the energy of Neptune stations is very diffuse, nebulous and 'spacey'. The influence of this at least a week on either side of 11/22. It requires staying highly organized. File things in their proper place or they might not be found again. Don't assume your short term memory will hold information -- write it down! Pay attention. Be mindful. And watch what you input. Neptune makes us more susceptible to our environment. Eat healthy. Hang out with positive people. And especially these days, don't spend so much time watching the news. Get the information you need and get out. Affirmation for the new moon and Neptune stationary point: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025