The New Moon takes place on Tuesday, March 24 @ 4:28 a.m. CDT in 4° Aries. Coming right after the Vernal Equinox on March 19, it's a perfect time for new beginnings. Are you thinking, "I'm stuck here in my house. How can I start something new?" As motivational speakers say, "Where your mind goes, energy flows and results show!" Start internally, first deciding on your most important goal or new project. Then spend time using your imagination to visualize your successful results. Take some small first steps: Write it down, look up resources online, read a related book. It's the perfect time for phone calls or online meetings. Talk to people in your field or area of interest. Or if you're a yogi, follow Goswami Kriyananda's advice and "seek out your own illumination with great diligence." The chart of the New Moon holds a major planetary configuration. Jupiter is close to Pluto at this time, making an exact conjunction on April 5. Jupiter is the great teacher and Pluto rules our unconscious mind. As we have less activity externally, we may be turning inward, getting better acquainted with ourselves. In mythology Jupiter was the god of the sky and lightning. In ancient times, Pluto was seen as the god of wealth because gold, jewels and minerals were mined from underground. This conjunction could be seen then as a time when a lightning bolt of insight strikes deep into the earth and illuminates some treasure in our unconscious mind, something that has been hidden but is now revealed. Saturn has just entered the sign of Aquarius where it will transit for the next 2 1/2 years. People with Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius sun signs may have heavier responsibilities for the next few years. They can also accomplish great things with persistence and determination. Saturn into an air sign like Aquarius can be a benefit to critical thinking. Situations and projects will require very thorough scientific thought and related proofs, policies and procedures. Saturn relates to confinement and Aquarius is associated with fellowship, the feeling of interconnectedness. It's an interesting symbol that just as Saturn is going into Aquarius, we are "social distancing." It suggests that even as our concern with Covid-19 subsides, the trend toward working from home and meeting on conferencing apps may persist. Because we're "sheltering in place", my noon meditation talk for the Temple of Kriya Yoga was created virtually. Here is the link to the pre-recorded "The Spring Equinox and Your Journey to Freedom." This noon meditation includes mantra, chanting, some thoughts about the Vernal Equinox and the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, plus a guided meditation with healing imagery (the guided meditation starts around minute 38:30 if you want to go directly to that). Email Newsletter
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The Full Moon is on Monday, March 9 at 12:47 p.m. in 19° Virgo. Normally, a Virgo Full Moon would be great for sharpening our attention to detail and taking care of the nitty gritty details of life. This Full Moon, however, is opposed to Neptune, the planet of daydreaming and spacing out. On the positive side, there's something about Neptune that dissolves boundaries like those between the earth and spiritual planes. That makes it easier to move more deeply into our meditation -- if we don't space out and forget to sit down, close our eyes and meditate! Mercury is at a stationary point in the Full Moon chart, turning direct on March 11th in 28° Aquarius. Mercury rules communication, so messages you're expecting might be delayed a few days. Mercury also rules our everyday mind. With the Full Moon/Neptune opposition, our thoughts might not be as sharp for problem solving. If you're trying to figure something out, try painting, drawing, coloring or doodling instead of writing letters and numbers until you get your solution. Using the creative part of your brain helps bypass the Mercury linear thinking traffic jam. A few days after Mercury goes direct, things that have been delayed will start to come together and typically things lost during the last few weeks will be found. Check out my article "Greater Awareness, Deeper Acceptance" in the March/April issue of Yoga Chicago magazine. The article has more on upcoming astrological aspects of the next two months.
On Sunday, March 22, I will be giving the noon meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga. It will have a guided meditation for the spring equinox and a talk "Your Journey to Freedom." The spring equinox is a traditional time of new beginnings. It is a potent time to renew your spiritual quest. Whether you call it enlightenment or freedom, your journey can begin with a few simple steps that add up to a profound effect on your life. You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025