Did you notice that there was a second New Moon in July? It's tonight at 10:11 p.m. CDT in 8° Leo. Is a second new moon in a month significant? Not at all. The western calendar that we use, the Gregorian Calendar, is not a lunar calendar. The lunar cycle of approximately 28 days can fit entirely into a long month like July. The last new moon was July 2, and here we are again on July 31. Leo is ruled by the sun. It's interesting to me that the sun can represent both the ego in astrology and higher consciousness in yoga (i.e. the sun center, ajna chakra). How will you use this energy? You can strengthen your sense of self in many positive ways. Try looking at yourself in the mirror, smile, and say, "Hi there, I like you." This may sound silly or naïve but it is truly a deep spiritual practice. Send gratitude to your physical body for its vitality and ability to carry your mind and spirit through life. Mercury goes direct tomorrow August 1st at 24° Cancer. Wait just a few more days after this to sign contracts or start important projects.
Jupiter goes direct (14° Sagittarius) and Uranus goes retrograde (6° Taurus) on August 11. Watch for news involving scientific breakthroughs in travel and electronics, especially space travel. The energy pattern is upbeat and creative but erratic/unconventional. Decisions made too quickly can lead to financial loss. Do the math to uncover the reality of a situation. Coming up: Second Sunday Tarot, August 11, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Calibre Coffee at the Arboretum in South Barrington, Back to School: This is the annual meeting where newcomers are encouraged to come and learn Tarot from the beginning. Bringing your own Tarot deck will be helpful. https://www.meetup.com/tarot-336/events/njcgfpyzlbpb/ Northern Illinois NCGR, Tuesday, August 13, 7:30 - 9 p.m., Des Plaines Elks Lodge, 495 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016, Members: $8.00 Non-members: $12.00 Stock Market Tops, Crashes and Elections with financial astrologer Susan Gidel For more information, contact Janet Berres, President at 847-965-9916 or janetberres@gmailcom/ If you would like to receive this blog as an email, message me here,
There will be a Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, July 16 at 4:38 p.m. CDT at 24° Capricorn. This lunar eclipse is conjunct Pluto at 21° Capricorn. I think a good symbol for Tuesday's energy is the approach of a thunderstorm, followed by the thunderstorm itself. Picture this in emotional terms. A strong desire builds up, overflows into actions or verbalizations that have a huge reverberations like thunder. A lightning bolt illuminates the dark sky and for a moment we see deeply into our own motivations, passions and ambitions. Because everyone is affected by this lunar eclipse energy, it's not a good day (or the days approaching it) to initiate a fight or argument. Pluto is also a symbol of repetition and, combined with the energy of the eclipse, it's likely that whatever the argument is, you may find yourself having the same one over and over again. It is a great opportunity for mindfulness types of meditation or just observing your mind. Do you have the ability to see a thought and recognize that it's just a thought? Just because you think something doesn't make it true or that you should act on it. In yoga, we say the words "neti, neti" meaning "I am not this thought, I am not that thought" as we observe the thoughts floating through our minds. And we recognize that our true spiritual nature transcends thoughts and thinking. On the practical level, Pluto energy is good for cleaning out closets and getting rid of old stuff (with a caution of not being too extreme or you'll have regrets). Pluto rules large crowds of people and with the emotional nature of the lunar eclipse, it would be safer to avoid them on that day, especially those that are related to political rallies or protest marches. In general, be compassionate and give others their space. I recently gave a webinar for the Temple of Kriya Yoga's Professional Astrology Course. Here's an excerpt with more detailed information about this lunar eclipse, geared toward those who are studying astrology.
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AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025