The Full Moon is on Wednesday, October 20 at 9:56 am CDT in 27° Aries. After the slowdowns and frustrations of the past several weeks, we will enjoy the energy and vitality of this Full Moon. With Sun, Moon and Mars squaring Pluto in the Full Moon chart, the Aries confidence and passion could tip over into aggressive self-righteousness. You might start out thinking it's a friendly debate but the other person could think you're asking for a fight. Mercury and Jupiter have just gone direct opening up opportunities for communication and higher education. Dive back into whatever studies expand your world and your mind. Because of the pandemic, I've been doing a lot of virtual traveling. For example, I recently went to Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) for a Tarot meetup. They have one this Friday night: At the Second Sunday Tarot meetup which was in person in the NW suburbs before Covid, now has people Zooming in from all over the world. At the last meeting, one of the facilitators suggested pulling three cards each day and use them to write a haiku style poem. I'm hoping to incorporate that into my daily journaling. The International Society for Astrological Research is planning their conference in person in Colorado in August 2022. They have a super lineup of speakers: Very much hoping for safer travel and gatherings by then. I've attended some awesome virtual astrology conferences in the past two years but I'm so ready to see people IRL. Of course, I want to mention The Professional Astrology Course from the Temple of Kriya Yoga. Goswami Kriyananda is the instructor via his audio recordings and writing. I help to grade tests and correspond with students. Let me know if you have any questions about the course content or how this program works.
The New Moon is on Wednesday, October 6 at 6:05 a.m. at 13° Libra. Libra is all about partnership. It's how we work and communicate with others. And how we balance how much personal energy we put into others while understanding how much we need to take care of our own selves. Partnerships and balance get a jolt from the New Moon's conjunction with Mars, also at 13° Libra. Have we mastered being assertive but not aggressive? Can we keep our balance while others around us are losing theirs? Are we skilled in gently deflecting critiques shot at us and not returning fire? If so, Mars can give this New Moon an extra boost of "new beginnings" intensity. Also on October 6, Pluto goes direct at 24° Capricorn. The influence of Pluto is transformation. The key to a Pluto influence is to be prepared to be transformed. One way to do this is to release those things (or thoughts) that are no longer useful. You can use symbolic correspondence to mitigate Pluto. For example, I've been cleaning out my home's crawl space (Pluto in mythology is the lord of the underworld after all). Did I really need to save those old magazines in a carton in a crawl space for 40 years? Recycled! (Recycling is a positive Pluto symbol of Life, Death & Rebirth.) If there's a closet or drawer in your home, this is a great time to use it for Pluto type reflection. One more note on Pluto. In Capricorn, Pluto signifies the domination of the corporation in society. Pay attention to how you are affected and manipulated by ads and commercials at this time. Are you being persuaded to buy things that you don't need or even want or aren't good for you? But wait, there's more! Saturn has a stationary point on October 11 at 6° Aquarius. There is a conflict between the urge to transform of Pluto and the urge for things to stay the same which is Saturn. Remember you can use the capabilities of both planets if you (1) remove emotionality from the equation and (2) use the motivation of Pluto to finish the long term projects you've already started. Saturn rules time and everything goes slower around a Saturn station. Put fewer things onto your to-do list and you'll get more actually accomplished. If you are experiencing frustrations in these first weeks of October, keep in mind that Mercury and Jupiter go direct on October 18. Those directions will begin to shift everything into gear. Ray Grasse posted the following on Facebook. It's a quote from his book "An Infinity of Gods" (Ray's conversations with Kriya Yoga mystic Shelly Trimmer who is Goswami Kriyananda's guru). A very meaningful description of the ways I look at astrology - both the literal and the symbolic. Coming up:
October 12th, 7:30 p.m. via Zoom, Free The Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR presents Jon Parks - Your Solar Return Chart As A Plan For The Year If you want to be on the email list for NI-NCGR and receive the Zoom links for these meetings email [email protected] You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025