This month's new moon is on November 18, 2017 in 26° Scorpio. Scorpio energy at the new moon is a gaze into a still pool of water, deep dives into memory with reflections on influences from the past. You become aware of how your present actions often have momentum from emotional events from the past. Letting go of the emotionality can be the new moon's new beginning.
Two aspects in the new moon chart bring challenges. Mars in Libra is squared Pluto in Capricorn (exact on 11/19). The tendency with this aspect is toward being judgmental and self-righteous. Be gentle with yourself and others. The second challenge comes from the Neptune station direct on November 22 at 11° Pisces. Neptune energy is very sensitive and intuitive which is excellent for your spiritual goals. The challenge when combined with the new moon plus the Mars square described above is that everyone will be sensitive (and thin-skinned) just at the point where others around you will be judgmental. Use techniques that strengthen your aura. Here's an easy one: Stand with your arms at your sides, palms turned out. As you inhale, bring your arms out to the sides and up to meet palms together over your head, stretching up (mountain pose variation). As you are bringing your arms up, imagine you are pulling a beautiful blue aura of healing energy around you. Turn your palms out and slowly exhale your arms down - pushing that aura of healing light even further out around you. (If you have any issues with doing this physically, just visualize yourself doing it.) More about the Neptune Station Point For the average person, the energy of Neptune stations is very diffuse, nebulous and 'spacey'. The influence of this at least a week on either side of 11/22. It requires staying highly organized. File things in their proper place or they might not be found again. Don't assume your short term memory will hold information -- write it down! Pay attention. Be mindful. And watch what you input. Neptune makes us more susceptible to our environment. Eat healthy. Hang out with positive people. And especially these days, don't spend so much time watching the news. Get the information you need and get out. Affirmation for the new moon and Neptune stationary point:
The full moon this month occurs on Saturday, November 4, 2017, 12:22 a.m. at 11° Taurus. It is opposed to the Sun and Jupiter and sextile to Neptune (plus a wide trine to Pluto). A significant aspect in the chart of the Full Moon is Venus in Libra exactly opposed to Uranus in Aries.
"What the new moon promises, the full moon fulfills." That old astrological saying means you have to remember and record what happened at the new moon in order to look back. Just jot down at the new moon what happened; in particular, new beginnings, the people you met for the first time, and anything out of the ordinary. Then record at the full moon if you can see a relationship between those new moon occurrences and things that happen at the full moon. With Jupiter involved, projects or ventures that were started under the new moon will expand, hopefully in a positive financial way but it could be in scope or work hours. The mood of this full moon is upbeat and optimistic. You might even feel some pronoia. It's the feeling that the universe is out to do you good (the opposite of paranoia). Classically, one might say there's a potential for good luck or good fortune. Spiritually, experiencing greater connection with the Divine is a possibility. Here's the cautionary note: With the Venus/Uranus opposition, if you're prone to bouts of manic shopping or spending, this aspect might encourage it. In general, relationships started at this time might be fun but not long lasting. Full Moon Affirmation: I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe. (Louise Hay) I am reading: Sidewalk Oracles by Robert Moss |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
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