The first full moon of the year is on January 1, 2018, 8:24 p.m. CST. at 11° Cancer. The full moon in this sign is great for enjoying things having to do with home and family. This full moon is trine to Neptune so excellent for taking time for meditation, reflection, guided imagery and paying attention to your dreams.
Uranus is station direct on January 2 at 24° Aries with a week on either side of this date for the effect. One positive phrase for this is "creative insights." Keep a pen and paper handy to right down all your ideas no matter how far out they seem. If not written down, they may be ephemeral, easily lost among the multitude of thoughts racing through your mind at this time. The phrase that embodies the challenge of Uranus is "sudden, unexpected change of plan." Remember that humans are generally good problem solvers. Take a deep breath, be flexible and find the "creative insight" to make things better. What about New Year's resolutions you ask? Resolve to be happy! Here is a reprint of an article I wrote for The Monthly Aspectarian back in 1998 which describes some perils, pitfalls and opportunities for success with your resolutions:
Today is the Winter Solstice. The Sun moves to 0° Capricorn at 10:27 a.m. CST
There's an interesting pattern for this Winter Solstice. Astrologer Lynn Staudacher pointed out that Saturn is also at 0° Capricorn on this auspicious day. She noted that this pattern hasn't occurred since December 1664. Her thought was that it indicates "a time of hard work, perseverance, heavy responsibility with the potential for great payback and reward." I'd like to add that positive key words for Saturn are discipline and focus. It's a potent time to decide on one important goal for the next ninety days. Choose that as the foundation of your personal, spiritual or business-related work. But wait, there's more … Tomorrow Mercury goes direct at 13° Sagittarius square Neptune in 12° Pisces: Don't make promises - There are unseen circumstances or data that's not yet know which will impact your fulfillment or those promises. The power (or weakness) of the aspect is the openness of mind to suggestion. Use this aspect's potential to repeat positive affirmations or mantras that match your Solstice goals. And with Mercury direct, projects that have been blocked over the past 3 weeks will start (slowly) to move forward. The new moon is always our Earth's Moon making its monthly conjunction with the Sun (by longitude, as seen from Earth). This time it's part of a lineup of five planets in the sign Sagittarius, at 26° on December 18, 2017, 12:30 a.m. central time. Sagittarius energy is enthusiastic, idealistic and philosophical, perfect for getting into the spirit of whatever holidays you observe. Do things that give you joy. Be generous in the things that give joy to others. Saturn is sitting at the end of the stellium right up against the new moon. This is not a time to take on new responsibilities. No matter how guilty you might feel about all the things you think you should be doing, it is the time to keep things simple, at least until several days after Mercury goes direct on December 22. Key technique for this new moon: Intensifying Your Happiness
As you go through your daily life or your holiday activities over the next two weeks, use as much conscious awareness as possible to be grateful and enjoy the good things around you. If you're sitting in a comfortable chair, spend a minute to appreciate the chair's comfort and support. If you take a bite of chocolate or your favorite food, say "Mmmmmmm!" If you see someone you love, smile and feel the joy rising. Whatever good emotions you have, put a little extra energy or attention into them. In this way you change your inner state from joy to greater joy. This month's full moon is on Saturday, December 3, 2017, 9 47 a.m. CST in 11° Gemini. You'll hear about it on the news because it's a "super moon". It means the moon is at perigee - the closest point in its orbit to the earth and will look a bit bigger. More about what a super moon is here. Does the moon being closer to earth make it stronger than the usual full moon? Check out this article, make your observations at the full moon, then you make the call. Typically, the full moon brings high energy to you and the projects you're involved in. This month's full moon is exactly square to Neptune. It's a continuation of the Neptune station point I wrote about in my last post. Sometimes Neptune makes you feel like you're swimming through water instead of striding through air as you attempt to approach your goals. It's slow and it's not always clear that you're making progress. But no step on the path is ever lost. "Just keep swimming," as Dory said in the movie Finding Nemo. It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." Confucius And speaking of slowdowns, Mercury goes retrograde* on December 3rd, too, at 29° Sagittarius conjunct transiting Saturn. The keyword is delays. Traffic and transit delays are likely. Plan to be ready early and leave early to get to appointments on time. If you are already late, don't panic - everyone else will be late, too :) Saturn is a great teacher. From Saturn we learn patience (I'm still working on learning this). We also learn about foundation from Saturn. You have to build a foundation first, whether you're talking about a house or your spiritual practice. Slow down, have patience, do things correctly with proper focus. "Slow but steady wins the race." Aesop - The Fable of the Tortoise and the Hare * More about Mercury Retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde three times a year for about twenty days. From our perspective it appears that the planet stops in its orbit and begins to go backward for a few weeks before it changes direction once again to forward motion. This is an 'optical illusion' having to with our viewpoint on Earth and the relative motion of the planets circling the Sun. According to astrology, Mercury Retrograde is a time when things ruled by that planet go backwards. Mercury rules communication, transportation, and the function of the everyday mind -- short-term memory and logical thinking in particular. Mercury will go direct on December 22. |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025