The Full Moon and the Vernal Equinox both occur on March 20, 2019. The Equinox is at 4:58 pm CDT, as always with the Sun at 0° Aries. The Full Moon is at 8:42 pm CDT in 0° Libra. Equinoxes represent balance and the sign Libra represents harmony. One thing to think about at this time is how you can bring more balance and harmony into your own life. With the Equinox and Full Moon giving emphasis to the Aries/Libra polarity here are some other things to think about. How you want to approach the next two weeks (the Full Moon time frame) or the next quarter of a year (the Equinox time frame)? Will you choose the forcefulness of Aries or the diplomacy of Libra? What works best for you - the independence of Aries or working together in partnerships like Libra? With Mercury still retrograde, neither the decisiveness of Aries nor the Libran tendency to poll the opinions of others will have an advantage in the next few days. Important decisions that have legal implications should probably be put off until several days after Mercury goes direct on March 28. So how has this Mercury retrograde period been for you? On March 5, the day of the Mercury retrograde we were already in the car on the expressway when we realized we left something critically important at home. We had to get to the next exit, retrograde our way back to our house on the local roads, retrieve what we needed, and then get back on the expressway. That was so totally Mercury retro that we had to laugh even though it was a time-consuming inconvenience. Goswami Kriyananda said "Karma is forgetfulness." So even though I knew that it was Mercury retrograde, and I knew we needed to stand still for a moment and think before we walked out the door, we still got caught up in that moment of rushing out. The key point about knowing that an aspect occurred and a piece of karma triggered is that if you can rebalance right away, the piece of karma is over. Actually, laughing is a way of softening or neutralizing karma. If we'd beat ourselves up about the incident all day, we'd have been hanging onto a piece of karma that could have been over. Here's a relevant Zen story "The Muddy Road" from the book Zen Flesh, Zen Bones by Paul Reps: Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling. Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection. 'Come on, girl,' said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her over the mud. Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he no longer could restrain himself. 'We monks don't go near females.' He told Tanzan, especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?' 'I left the girl there,' said Tanzan. 'Are you still carrying her?' Keep in mind that when Mercury goes direct on March 28 it's conjunct Neptune so extra 'forgetfulness' is possible for a day or two around the 28th. Do the best you can by communicating carefully and making lists of things to remember. If you have to 'retrograde' to fix a problem, just do it, then let it go. A few days on from March 28, projects and plans will begin to move forward again. Online: My article "Astrology, Yoga and Balance" is in the March/April issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. Goswami Kriyananda's Professional Astrology Course is distance learning at your own pace. In the Future: Saturday, March 23, 6:30 - 8 p.m.: Music Meditation with the Temple of Kriya Yoga Musicians at The Yoga Shop, 3830 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago Sunday, March 31: Astrologer Lynn Ewing is giving a workshop "Retrogrades - the Big Rewind - Karma, Reincarnation, Revisioning" at Life Force Arts Center in Chicago.
Mercury goes retrograde on March 5 at 29° Pisces. It will go backwards through Pisces (in apparent motion as seen from Earth) until March 28th. Pay attention over the next few days to things that have to do with communication and transportation/short distance journeys. Re-read your emails before your send them. Think before you speak. Check your route on the map before you turn on the GPS. (I've had the experience of my GPS directing me to make a right turn into a winding route around a neighborhood when I could have made a simple left turn into the street I was looking for.) The New Moon is on Wednesday, March 6 at 10:03 a.m. CST in 15° Pisces. The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (16° Pisces). Everyone is sensitive, more empathetic and receptive at a New Moon conjunct Neptune. Create your own environment as much as possible. Hang out with positive people. Put up photos or artwork around you that makes you smile. Play music that gives you joy. Chant, sing, or repeat affirmations to create a harmonious inner condition. Bid, then, the tender light of faith to shine By which alone the mortal heart is led Unto the thinking of the thought divine. ~~~George Santayana This is a wonderful New Moon to meditate on the Divine in whatever form brings an uplift of spirit. For some, it is a deity. For others, a spiritual principle like lovingkindness, wisdom or compassion. Dedicate yourself and your actions to that highest goodness. This transforms Neptune from vague and scattered daydreams to your experience of the sacred oneness of all life. Online:
My article "Astrology, Yoga and Balance" is in the March/April issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. You can find the print version of the magazine at yoga studios, holistic health centers and other locations throughout the Chicagoland area. In the news: The noon meditation and other Sunday services that are normally held at the Temple of Kriya Yoga are being held at Moksha Yoga while the Temple building is undergoing some repairs. Check the Temple website for updates to class locations. You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
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