The new moon is on Saturday, September 28, 1:26 pm CDT in 5° Libra. Projects that have to do with working in partnership with others are highlighted. As an air sign Libra has to do with interpersonal communications, so it could be a good time to catch up with people through phone, email or social media. Frame your written thoughts carefully so that they are tactful and diplomatic. Pluto is going direct on October 3 at 20° Capricorn. This Pluto stationary point is in effect at least a week on either side of that date. Pluto intensifies our ambitions and may make us aware of our hidden motivations or deep desires. In Capricorn, this planetary placement can make us or the people around us "bossy". In other words, everyone is certain their ideas are right and that their "suggestions" will be well received. ![]() You can balance this by being a considerate and respectful listener but stand your ground (politely) if necessary. Not a good time to initiate a fight or argument. Pluto in Capricorn energy is perfect though for applying new systems of organization or doing a Marie Kondo style clean-out. Coming up:
The Northern Illinois chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NI-NCGR) will be featuring a lecture "2020 - The World in Transition" by financial astrologer Grace Morris on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 7:30 - 9 p.m., Des Plaines Elk Lodge. More info: For Fun: Halloween Costumes by Sun Sign The Professional Astrology Course This online self-study program enables you to start wherever you are in your astrology studies – novice or experienced student – and gain the skills necessary to become a practicing astrologer. Goswami Kriyananda draws upon his 60 years of experiences as a master astrologer to share the skills, knowledge, insights and deep secrets of the science of astrology. More info: My article "Learning and Teaching" can be found in Yoga Chicago Magazine. It includes upcoming aspects for September and October. If you would like to receive this blog as an email, message me on my contact page.
Tomorrow's (Friday's) Full Moon is in Pisces (21°) at 11:32 p.m. CDT. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune which can mean spaciness and forgetfulness. To be honest, I almost forgot about the Full Moon (I thought it was Saturday - not tomorrow - yikes!) Be super careful driving: Mars which rules cars and driving is opposite the Moon-Neptune conjunction. It means there will be people out there on the expressway going 80 miles an hour and trying to read a text. Neptune rules alcohol and drugs. Mars is driving. Watch other drivers carefully tomorrow. Alternately, you might be the one driving and miss the sign that informs you that the speed limit is lower now, and there's a state trooper with his radar gun pointed at you. Stay awake and aware. Saturn is in a harmonious aspect to those planets and can be helpful. Saturn brings focus, structure, and organization. Follow the rules, write everything down that you want to remember, focus on one thing at a time. Saturn rules the sense of smell. Use essential oils or aromatherapy to create balance and clarity of mind. Am I writing too many things to be careful of? Sorry, here's one more: Mars/Neptune oppositions can indicate food poisoning. Don't eat at any questionable places and "when in doubt, throw it out" if you find mystery stuff in your refrigerator.
Neptune and Mars when used with Saturn focus can be wonderful for visional states that lead to artwork, poetry and other forms of creativity. Write down your dreams, draw or paint them. Try listening to "new age" music or sacred chanting with eyes closed (not driving!) and observe your state of awareness. Upcoming aspects: Saturn goes direct on September 18 at 13° Capricorn and the Autumnal Equinox is September 23, 2:50 a.m. CDT. I wrote about both these important aspects in my article "Learning and Teaching" in the latest Yoga Chicago Magazine: Audio recording: Look to This Day I gave the noon meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga on August 25. Here are the links to the audio recordings on youtube. I broke out the 45 minute talk into three parts: Look To This Day - Part 1 - Prayer and Mantra Message Look To This Day - Part 2 - The Moment of the Now Look to This Day - Part 3 - Rebalancing Each Evening You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025