There's a New Moon tomorrow, Friday, January 24, at 3:42 p.m. CST in 4° Aquarius. Aquarius new moons are excellent times for socializing with friends, exchanging interesting ideas and doing something different from your everyday routine. The sign Aquarius embodies both scientific thought and metaphysical pursuits. Experiment by pulling a Tarot card at the time of the New Moon and see how that message resonates with you and the next two weeks ahead. If you're not a Tarot person, try bibliomancy:
To be more Aquarian in the sense of egalitarianism, try stichomancy. With stichomancy, you use any type of book with the same technique - close eyes, random pick, reflect on the passage. This New Moon is squared to Uranus, so it's best to use caution with things having to do with electricity. Don't stick your fork into the toaster. If you find yourself tempted to buy a computer, get the extended warranty. Two weeks ago, I wrote about Uranus aspects having a general type of accident proneness, where we might move too quickly in the wrong direction. That would apply to a day or so before and after this New Moon. Another minor aspect in the New Moon chart is Venus conjunct Neptune which will be exact on Monday, January 27th. While excellent for meditation and attunement to the Divine, it is not great for shopping for clothes, jewelry or cosmetics (which are ruled by Venus). I hate to even mention that the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is still in orb (although Saturn has pulled ahead and is moving away). Continue to find ways to vent frustrations in a healthy, constructive way. With the aspect diminishing as time goes by, it's time to get back to projects that seemed to have had insurmountable objects in the way, including our own lack of motivation. I was taught that under Saturn aspects "what's delayed to you is not denied to you." For all of us, the work we put in last year will eventually start to pay off if we haven't given up on our hopes and dreams. Begin to move forward again, even if it's just one inch at a time. Online:
My article "The Journey from Mars to Venus" is now online in Yoga Chicago Magazine. The new year is a great time to expand your knowledge of astrology. I recommend the Professional Astrology Course from the Temple of Kriya Yoga. This is a distance learning, self-paced online course that can be started any time. The majority of the course is taught by the writings and audio recordings of my guru and astrology teacher Goswami Kriyananda. I'm an instructor for the course, answering student's questions and leading monthly webinars. More information is here: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the course content or want a 'tour' of the site via webinar. You can find me on:
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The New Moon is on November 7, 2018 at 10:01 a.m. CST in 15° Scorpio. The New Moon in Scorpio is a time for deep thoughts. Scorpio and its ruler Pluto have a symbolic correspondence with the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Last week I went to the Temple of Kriya Yoga for the Annual Ritual for the Departed. It was an opportunity to remember, pray for and send blessings to our family and friends who are no longer on the earth plane. It was also a reminder for me of how short our time is here, and how precious it is to spend time with loved ones. This week I watched the animated film "Coco" about a family celebrating the Mexican holiday Dia de Muertos (the Day of the Dead). There's music, adventure and humor, but so poignant at the end - a really beautiful movie. Along with feeling close to those who've passed on, the New Moon in Scorpio is a time when you may find you have greater dream recall and more meaningful dreams. Do you journal your dreams? It is one of the practices my guru, Goswami Kriyananda suggested to his disciples. I take time every morning when I wake up to write down my dreams. Writing down dreams consistently helps us to remember our dreams more clearly, and to be more aware in our dreams while we're dreaming them. According to the yogis, working with your dreams gives you greater ability to be conscious as you make your transition from one life to the next. Jupiter makes its entrance into the sign Sagittarius on November 8th and will be in that sign approximately 12 months. Jupiter in Sag makes the coming year an excellent time for expanding your mind by studying philosophy, religion, foreign languages and the law. The same transit can also open your mind to the potential for traveling outside your own country. November 16 there are two stationary points: Venus goes direct at 25 Libra and Mercury goes retrograde at 13 Sagittarius. Coping strategy # 1: if at all possible, don't sign any documents that relate to financial matters 3 days before and after November 16. Coping strategy # 2: don't start arguments with your romantic partner/significant other for 3 days before and after November 16. Try your best to stay awake and aware of what you're about to do or say before you do or say them. ![]() I like this Zen story called Every Minute Zen. It's from the book Zen Flesh/Zen Bones by Paul Reps: Zen students are with their masters at least ten years before they presume to teach others. Nan-in was visited by Tenno, who, having passed his apprenticeship, had become a teacher. The day happened to be rainy, so Tenno wore wooden clogs and carried an umbrella. After greeting him Nan-in remarked: 'I suppose you left your wooden clogs in the vestibule. I want to know if your umbrella is on the right or left side of the clogs.' Tenno, confused, had no instant answer. He realized that he was unable to carry his Zen every minute. He became Nanin's pupil, and he studied six more years to accomplish his every-minute Zen. Unfortunately, even though I try to stay aware, I'd probably flunk this Zen test every time. During Mercury retrograde, I'm the most likely person to walk to the car, remember I left something in the house, and go back for it. Because astrology gives me that bit of perspective, that bit of detachment, I can laugh about it, as I picture myself as Mercury going retrograde in my orbit. In the future: November 24: Neptune goes direct 13 Pisces. You can read about it in my most recent Yoga Chicago article Astrology, Karma and Free Will . November 13: Astrologer Dave Gunning will be speaking at the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR on "The Economic and Political Challenges for the U.S. in 2019". You can find me on: The Full Moon is on October 24, 2018 at 11:45 a.m. CDT in 1° Taurus.
The chart of the Full Moon shows Venus and the Sun conjunct in Scorpio opposite the Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This combination indicates disruptions and restlessness in the areas of partnerships, romance, and sexual attraction. Also, unexpected changes in financial endeavors. Is it possible to slow down your decision making at this time? For a few days before and after the Full Moon, there may be temptations that will seem very appealing but may not be valuable in the long term. With Uranus involved, use caution with electronic devices and be sure your computer data is backed up. Some of the temptations may involve purchasing a new mobile phone or tablet. Read the reviews carefully and wait to see if the craving for a new toy subsides enough to make a sound decision on the purchase. I like this affirmation (inspired by Louise Hay): "I am Divinely guided and protected and I make choices that are beneficial for me." The sextile from Venus and Sun to Saturn along with the trine from Moon and Uranus to Saturn signifies help and stability from longtime friends. Venus Retrograde - October 5 - 11° Scorpio Yesterday, I was thinking about getting a haircut and was just about to add it to my list of errands for the day. I paused and remembered that Venus is at a stationary point, going retrograde on October 5. So if my question was, should I get a haircut, the answer is no. Why? Because Venus rules everything related to beauty and I probably wouldn't like how the haircut turned out. Also, Pluto is less than a week from its stationary point (it went direct on September 30), so still in effect. Pluto is a higher octave of Mars and Mars rules both violence and sharp objects. I thought, "I don't want a stranger with scissors that close to me right now." I'll wait a week and then go. If I was a really conscientious astrologer, I would look for a really good Venus day to get a haircut. But mostly I just try to avoid trouble :) Everything in astrology really depends on the question you're asking. If your question applies to art, beauty or romantic love, Venus is one of the planetary symbols you would look at. Venus is retrograde from October 5 - November 16. It is strongest a couple of days on either side of the station points. In general, Venus retrograde is a bad time for shopping for fashion. The tendency is buy things on impulse that seem to be a bargain but are not of good quality. Venus rules Libra which is the sign of the new moon so not optimal for starting new romantic relationships or business partnerships. New Moon - Monday, October 8 - 10:46 pm CDT - 15° Libra
Libra is the astrological sign that relates to partnerships. With the Moon and Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn in the New Moon chart there is perhaps an excess of passion in relationships, either bringing people together too quickly or breaking alliances apart. This is most intense three days before and after the new moon. How to make best use of this energy? As an air sign Libra has a lot to do with the mind, ideas and philosophy. Take time to evaluate the way old habits in your thought patterns and assess if changes need to be made. In particular with Libra, are you too quick to pass judgement on or critique others? How quickly do you judge or criticize your own self? Watch your thoughts. Change judgmental thoughts to blessings for yourself and the world around you. I like the following mantra for this Libra New Moon: In Sanskrit: Om lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu Or in English: May all beings attain peace and harmony My Yoga Chicago article has a little bit more about this New Moon. In the future: October 9: Astrologer and author Ray Grasse will be speaking at the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR on "Decoding the Highest Planet in a Horoscope." More info at |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025