New class! Details at the end of the astrology update. The New Moon is on Wednesday, January 29 at 6:35 am CST in 9° Aquarius. Fellowship is one of the key words for the sign Aquarius. At this New Moon you may find yourself drawn to groups, clubs and organizations that have a humanitarian goal. Sharing ideas with like-minded folks is very healing for the soul. Networking of all sorts is beneficial at this time. Two cautions relate to two different aspects in the New Moon's chart. The first is Mercury just moving past a conjunction with Pluto at 2° Aquarius. This indicates the ideas you come in contact with at this time can be very powerful motivators like an affirmation that really resonates with you (good for personal growth) or ideas that propose extreme (unbalanced) fixes for a problem, like suggesting a health routine where you give up food and live off the rays of the sun. Remember the mudra (hand gesture) for "namaste" where we bring the palms of the hands together at the heart level. This is a symbol of bringing the extremes (arms outstretched) to center (palms together). When you are drawn to take up something extreme, perform this mudra and take time for reflection. The second aspect in the New Moon's chart is Venus coming up to conjunct Neptune at 27° Pisces (exact on Feb. 1). The metaphor for this aspect is falling in love without really knowing the other person. Under this aspect, take your time to develop the relationship. It doesn't really have to be a person. It can be items you're tempted to spend money on. Wait a week and read the reviews for the product before the purchase. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is at a stationary point at 23° Taurus, ready to go direct. For this coming week, unexpected changes of plan, issues with electronics, and unusual situations in general. For good news, keep an eye out for articles about any type of innovation. Pay attention to your own sparks of creativity. And write those ideas of yours down instantly. Those lightning flashes of insight can disappear from memory in a flash. Even though Uranus (weirdness) won't move into Gemini (communications) until July, this video by OK Go is a perfect metaphor for that transit with its unique creativity, the multiple screens and multiple people, the electronic technology - even the algorithm that put this in my YouTube recommendations. Coming Up: New! Astrology, Kriya Yoga, and the Path of the Mystic Open Q&A with Marcia Sacks, Swami K. Adinadananda Most Fridays, 11 am - 12 pm CST via Zoom starting February 7, 2025 Casual Q&A open to students from the Professional Astrology Course, The Kriya Yoga Seminary, and the Meditation Teachers Training Program or any others interested in astrology as it relates to Kriya Yoga, spiritual living and softening your karma. Other topics may include symbology, dream interpretation, tarot and other methods of divination. Your questions guide the discussion. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link and any changes to the schedule. Register by sending your request to join in an email or contact me through my website here: There is no attendance requirement, but the sessions will not be recorded for the most part. If I decide to record an answer to a specific question, then a link to the recording will be sent out to the email list. Once you are registered, feel free to drop into any session. Kriya Yoga Teachings Sunday, February 2, 10 am CST via Zoom The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, First Thoughts with Swami Mahashastrananda To be on the mailing list for the February 2 zoom link and for future notifications of events, please email: [email protected] KYT is a fellowship of swamis, disciples, and students of Goswami Kriyananda. Our purpose is to share the ancient, timeless teachings of Kriya Yoga as taught by Kriyanandaji, who founded the Temple of Kriya Yoga over 60 years ago in Chicago. We will start by offering inspirational talks on the first Sunday of the month, at 10 a.m., CST. Via Zoom. The 20-minute talks will be followed by a group discussion. All are welcome! You can find me on:
The Full Moon is on Monday, January 13 at 4:26 pm in 23° Cancer. So we may experience the nurturing, caring and generally mother-like nature of the Moon in Cancer either within ourselves or from people in our lives. The Full Moon is conjunct Mars at 27° Cancer. When Mars is added to the mix, it warms things up. Cancer is a water sign and in astrology water symbolizes our emotions. When water gets heated up by Mars, it symbolically becomes boiling water - great for making a soothing cup of tea, not so good for heated discussions. For this Full Moon, let's try this mantra or just affirm the idea in your own words: Om Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu Coming up: Dawn Silver: Astrology Predictions for 2025 Tuesday, January 14, 7:30 pm CST via Zoom Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR, Members: $5.00; Non-members: $10.00 Registration and Payment: Dawn will be talking about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto changing signs, and more. Participants will receive Dawn's 2025 Sky of Jewels calendar of events for the year ahead! Kriya Yoga Teachings Sunday, February 2, 10 am CST via Zoom The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, First Thoughts with Swami Mahashastrananda The Kriya Yoga Teachings is a group of swamis, disciples, and students of Goswami Kriyananda. We will be sharing inspirational talks on the first Sunday of each month. The 20-minute talks will be followed by a group discussion. All are welcome. If you would like to be on the email list to receive each month's zoom link please email: [email protected] Online:
The Professional Astrology Course Temple of Kriya Yoga This 24-month online self-study program enables you to start wherever you are in your astrology studies – novice or experienced student – and gain the skills necessary to become a practicing astrologer. Once you enroll in this online course, you will be able to study at your own pace. You will gain access, lesson by lesson, to Goswami Kriyananda’s astrology recordings and writing which he enhances with his own unique humor, experienced perspective, stories and examples. Even though the title of the course is Professional Astrology, it is not just for people whose goal is to read charts for others. It can be a valuable learning experience whatever level you are at. It is an educational program that builds a foundation of the basic components of astrology and develops your knowledge from there. Those who complete all lessons and requirements of the course will receive a graduation certificate. You will also have the opportunity to join fellow participants in monthly Zoom discussions on astrology led by Marcia Sacks, Swami K. Adinadananda, who is a graduate of the course and has been a practicing astrologer for over 40 years. These are sometimes casual question and answer sessions and sometimes webinars on specific topics. A complete description of the course can be found here: Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about the course. You can find me on: The New Moon is Monday, December 30 at 4:26 pm CST in 9° Capricorn. Capricorn energy is down to earth and practical. If you are writing New Year's Resolutions or planning projects for the year ahead, this is a good new moon to do so. I recommend selecting your number one goal, then use a pen and put it on paper. Sign your name on the paper and date it. This is a good symbolic first step to utilize the power of the New Moon in Capricorn. Or you can just Resolve to be Happy! New Book from Ray Grasse: Ray Grasse has written another book about my param guru Shelly Trimmer, "In the Company of Gods: Further Dialogues with an Unconventional Mystic." Wishing you many blessings of love, peace, wisdom and happiness in 2025!
The Full Moon is on Sunday, December 15 at 3:01 am CST in 23° Gemini. Thinking, and talking about what you've been thinking are the highlights of this full moon's energy. Try to balance the give and take of a conversation. In other words, you will benefit from listening to others as well as the joy of sharing your own wisdom. A reflection for this Gemini full moon: "Where your mind goes, energy flows, and results show." Also on December 15th, Mercury goes direct at 6° Sagittarius. Wait a few days for Mercury to really get moving before starting any major projects. All the research and prep you've been doing for the past few weeks will pay off. The Winter Solstice is on December 21 at 3:20 am CST. It's a new beginning. Take a moment to think of one word that encapsulates your aspiration for the next three months.
Many blessings on all your holiday celebrations! The New Moon is on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 12:21 am CST in 9° Sagittarius, a fire sign lending warmth and enthusiasm to your new beginnings or ongoing projects. Mars goes retrograde on December 6 in 6° Leo along with Neptune at 27° Pisces which goes direct on December 7th. These two stationary points so close together reverberate with Mars calling for action and nebulous Neptune uncertain of direction. "Let's Go!" says Mars, and Neptune asks "Where are we going? The road ahead looks a little foggy". Is there a Google Maps with directions for our dreams and goals? It's called our intuition but your intuition will only work for you if you honor it and learn to trust it. At any rate, don't charge into action without some clear idea of your objective. Mars rules automobiles so use caution driving around December 6th. It's especially bad for buying a car. With Neptune involved, there can be a lot of hidden issues. Remember that Mercury which rules transportation is also retrograde. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury goes direct on December 15 to make any final decisions. When Mars and Neptune are active at the same time it can be positive for things related to the visual arts from painting to needle and fabric work. Creative writing, too. Anything in which your imagination (Neptune) connects to working with your hands (Mars). Coming up:
I will doing a short astrology talk on the outer planets that are changing signs in 2025 for Friends in Kriya on Sunday, December 8 at 5 pm CST via Zoom. FiK is a once a week gathering of swamis, disciples, and students of Kriya Yoga which includes group discussion, meditation, short talks and chanting. All are welcome. Contact me if you are interested in receiving the Zoom link. You can find me on: The Full Moon is on Friday, November 15 at 3:28 pm CST in 24° Taurus. Taurus is concerned with the earthy things of life, our home, our work and all that represents our stability. With the Full Moon conjunct Uranus at 25° Taurus there is bound to be sudden unexpected changes of plan. Flexibility is the key, whether it's physical or mental.
Saturn, stationary on November 15, goes direct at 12° Pisces. Saturn often puts obstacles in the way of our plans or we may face resistance from others as we try to move forward. While flexibility is the key with the Uranus aspect, patience is the way to get the best from Saturn. It is interesting 'music' to 'dance' to these aspects. Saturn is the rhythm and Uranus is the jazz improvisation. The New Moon is on Friday, November 1 at 7:47 am CST in 9° Scorpio signifying new beginnings which require a deeper look at your personal psychology and inner states of awareness. We are more intuitive than usual at this time. I love this affirmation by Louise Hay: "All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side."
The two rulers of Scorpio are in opposition to each other right now with Mars at 29° Cancer and Pluto at 29° Capricorn. Do your best to be gentle and compassionate with those around you. Check out what I wrote about this aspect which was forming at the past Full Moon: The Full Moon is on Thursday, October 17 at 6:26 a.m. CDT in 24° Aries. High energy but with a potential storm coming in, if you want to think about it in 'astro-weather' terms. So you may be able to forge ahead at a good pace with small tasks or big projects. However with Mars (22° Cancer) and Pluto (29° Capricorn) forming a grand cross with the Moon and Sun, interactions with other people will be the challenge. The key phrase is "self-righteousness." You may encounter it as your own emotionality or you may be confronted with it from another person. Or both! Plan ahead for the times when you feel your anger temperature rising over the next few days. Use the tools in your spiritual toolbox to bring yourself back into balance: meditation, deep breathing, chanting, or taking a walk outside. It's a great time for one versus one games like chess or tennis. So maybe change battlefields to something more fun than an "I'm right, you're wrong" argument. In the future:
Here's something exciting to look forward to. The United Astrology Conference is one the best conferences ever. Sponsored by multiple astrology organizations like NCGR, AFA and ISAR, there's always an amazing lineup of speakers and events. The last one was in 2018. The next one has just been announced for September 2 - 9, 2026. It will be held in Chicago at the Marriott Magnificent Mile. If it's so far in advance, why I am telling your about it now? Well, those who have been to other UAC's, especially we who are from Chicago, will be rejoicing at this news and putting it in our calendars right now. The UAC news is so new, there's no revision to the website yet. If you want to check out the one from 2018, it is here: You can find me on: The Solar Eclipse is on Wednesday, October 2, at 1:49 pm CDT in 10° Libra. Eclipses are a powerful New Moon indicating a new beginning not just for a month but with an effect for a year. It is a great time to write down what you would like to come into your life in the year ahead. It helps if you know your natal chart and you can see what astrological house 10 ° Libra falls in. Then you can tailor your 'wish' for that area of life. With the eclipse in Libra the focus is often on partnerships of all sorts - marriage and romance, business and work projects, really any life area where you make a commitment with another person to accomplish something. On a deeper level, Libra, the sign represented by the symbol of the scales, is about balance. Think about the area of your life you would like to bring greater balance and harmony. Take even the smallest step to affirm that in your life. Mercury at 11° Libra is conjunct the Solar Eclipse. Key words for the Libra Mercury is tact and diplomacy. However, it is important to ensure that your communications (Mercury) are not caught up in ego (Sun) or emotions (Moon). Coming up: October 9: Jupiter goes retrograde at 21° Gemini. October 10: Pluto goes direct at 29 ° Capricorn Online:
October 8, Tuesday, 7:30 pm CDT, $10, via Zoom, the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR will be presenting "Financial Outlook for 2025 and Beyond" with financial astrologer Susan Gidel. She will focus on (1) stock market weakness as Saturn and Uranus make their waning sextile; (2) recession with Jupiter squaring Neptune; and (3) the start of a new inflationary cycle as Neptune enters the Fire sign of Aries. To register: Questions about registration: [email protected] --- The Professional Astrology Course Temple of Kriya Yoga This 24-month online self-study program enables you to start wherever you are in your astrology studies – novice or experienced student – and gain the skills necessary to become a practicing astrologer. Once you enroll in this online course, you will be able to study at your own pace. You will gain access, lesson by lesson, to Goswami Kriyananda’s astrology recordings and writing which he enhances with his own unique humor, experienced perspective, stories and examples. Even though the title of the course is Professional Astrology, it is not just for people whose goal is to read charts for others. It can be a valuable learning experience whatever level you are at. It is an educational program that builds a foundation of the basic components of astrology and develops your knowledge from there. Those who complete all lessons and requirements of the course will receive a graduation certificate. You will also have the opportunity to join fellow participants in monthly Zoom discussions on astrology led by Marcia Sacks, Swami K. Adinadananda, who is a graduate of the course and has been a practicing astrologer for over 40 years. These are sometimes casual question and answer sessions and sometimes webinars on specific topics. The Full Moon is Sunday, July 21 at 5:16 am in 29° Capricorn. Usually, when the Full Moon is in Capricorn we are able to use our energy in the most practical and responsible way. Capricorn cools down our emotionality and provides focus in business matters. This Full Moon is part of a configuration that includes being conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius. This can bring a strong urge to transform some part of your life. Take a moment of reflection to see if the change you crave takes you closer to your highest goals and dreams. If so, you'll be able to use the Capricorn earthiness to break the transformation into smaller steps so you're not turning everything in your life topsy-turvy in an instant. This Sunday:
The swamis of the Temple of Kriya Yoga are honoring our guru Goswami Kriyananda and our Kriya lineage in celebration of Guru Purnima on Sunday, July 21 at noon CDT via Zoom. We will share mantra, music, poetry, inspirational thoughts, and meditative attunement to Goswami Kriyananda and to all spiritual teachers. I will be doing a short talk on "Jupiter in Gemini: Conversations with Life Itself." You are very welcome to join us on the Zoom: Meeting ID: 835 0089 8237 Passcode: 829055 |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025