The Full Moon is on Thursday, June 24 at 1:39 pm CDT in 3° Capricorn. This lends itself to a focus on responsibilities, from big plans and projects to your daily task list to family concerns. The nature of this Full Moon is influenced by three planetary directions:
I'm always watching the symbols in my life to see how the planetary patterns play out. Yesterday, I saw the Mercury and Neptune play out in a mild way. My husband and I drove 45 minutes to meet up with a friend for lunch at a favorite restaurant that we hadn't been to since pre-Covid. (Mercury rules short distance journeys. So any trip that you take where you're home the same day is considered a 'short distance journey' in astrology.) We pulled into the parking lot at the same time as our friend. But the restaurant was closed!
We had checked the website that gave the restaurant hours and it should have been open. We were able to ask at the take-out door and found out that the restaurant hasn't been able to hire enough employees to open full-time. They stopped being open for lunch two weeks ago. They just hadn't updated their website (this is the hidden or obscured information of Neptune). Fortunately, we knew of another favorite restaurant nearby and had a pleasant lunch anyway. Why did I tell you this story? To help you pay attention to your own symbols this week and take time to review your most important projects to see if some piece of information needs to be verified or re-verified. For example, if you make travel reservations under a Mercury and/or Neptune stationary point (or you travel then), you should make a phone call before you leave to make sure everything is in order. My guru, Goswami Kriyananda, often said "attitude is all." He meant that no matter the aspects or situation, if you keep a positive attitude, it softens your karma. Or laugh. Finding the humor in a predicament is an instant karma softener. Also keep in mind that humans are excellent problem solvers, so we have the ability to face any difficulty with the skill and experience we've gained through our lives.
Solar Eclipses signify both the start of a new cycle and the potential for change. There is a solar eclipse on Thursday, June 10th, 5:52 a.m. in 19° Gemini. Create an intention for the year ahead. Affirm that it come into your life in the most harmonious way. With the eclipse in Gemini, there is a tremendous urge to communicate and be listened to. If you want to get the most out of this eclipse, listen, read and reflect carefully before you speak. You will be doing a "good deed" to listen to others and let them know they are heard. You don't have to agree but it will be helpful to refrain from appearing to be judgmental. For your own self, try to share your ideas with those who will be supportive of your dreams, not those likely to squash them. This is a great time for brainstorming. Often people feel they are bursting with ideas at a Gemini eclipse. Write all these creative concepts and visions down. Like a dream these ideas will be ephemeral and you will lose them if you don't write them down. Then, wait a few weeks and look over the ideas with a clear eye for what is truly practical. In the chart of the eclipse, Neptune is squared to the Moon, Sun and Mercury. This indicates mental fog and difficulty with decision-making. If you can put off a decision, do that. If you must make a decision, write down the pros and cons in order to approach it in the most logical way. More on listening:
It can be really helpful to look to your horoscope to find out what kind of listener/communicator you are. In astrology, we most often look to the sign your Mercury is in. (You can get your horoscope calculated for free by going to or or just Google "free horoscope calculations".) Mercury in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are impatient listeners. They want to get the highest priority information from you quickly, and get going to take action. Mercury in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are generally patient listeners but will need you to lay out your thoughts in an organized way, and especially Taurus will need you to slow down. It's harder for them to parse a 'mile a minute' speaker. Mercury in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) love to hear new ideas and what is happening in your life but because they have many of their own thoughts swirling in their heads, they may not remember what you said later on. Obviously these are generalizations and are modified by other planetary configurations in the natal horoscope. Just something to observe in your conversations with others over the next week. |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025