The Full Moon is on Friday, April 19, 2019 at 6:12 a.m. CDT at 29° Libra. The 29° Aries Sun is conjunct Uranus at 2° Taurus. When Uranus is the "flavor" of the Full Moon there are often unexpected events, unforeseen issues causing changes in plan and a general feeling of restlessness. The position of the Moon at the very end of Libra, gives it a type of indecisiveness. Sometimes astrologers say that a sign is in transition to the next sign when it's located at 29°. Libra is a sign that is naturally indecisive as it weighs all judgements in the balance. You may find yourself saying, "Well, on this hand … but on the other hand …". The Saturn and Pluto station points in the following days will force a judgement or decision. It can be very helpful to have all available information plus the advice of experts in whatever field you are analyzing. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fire at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. When there is a major event in the news like this, I try to pick it apart symbolically and astrologically for its message for me. I first reflected on the Saturn/Pluto conjunction which is in the Full Moon chart. Saturn represents things that are old and haven't changed in a long time. Pluto symbolizes the transformations like death and rebirth. So I've been reflecting on the old established structures in my own life. Is it the building itself that has value? Or is it our relationship to the Divine which awe inspiring churches, temples, synagogues and mosques represent? What happens when material structures in our lives are burned or destroyed? Is our relationship with the Divine destroyed? Or is it some thing that we just need to let go of? Or rebuild in an even more beautiful and awe-inspiring way? Maybe there's a way to look at this on the more personal level, symbolically thinking about structures of ideas that I have, ideas that I need to let go of, transform, or reconstruct. Be compassionate and flexible as you encounter challenges in the next two weeks. April 24: Pluto Station Retrograde 23° Capricorn April 29: Saturn Station Retrograde 20° Capricorn I wrote about these planetary retrogrades occurring together in my article in Yoga Chicago magazine: Astrology, Yoga and Balance. I don't always talk about the asteroid Chiron in relationship to a lunation chart but I see that Mercury in the chart is conjunct Chiron. One of Chiron's symbols is "the wounded healer." It suggests that you can be helpful to people by sharing your own difficult situations and how you solved them. So rather than giving advice like "you should do this", frame it as "when I found myself in a similar situation this is what helped me."
In the News: Ray Grasse's book Urban Mystic: Recollections of Goswami Kriyananda has been published this month and is available on Amazon both in paperback and Kindle format. As many of you know, Goswami Kriyananda was my guru. He was a light on my path and the spiritual preceptor of the Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago. April 28, 2019: The Babaji Festival, usually held at the Temple of Kriya Yoga, is being held at the Moksha Yoga Center this year. It starts at 11:30 a.m. with chanting followed by inspirational talks. I will be giving a talk on "Planetary Cycles: Messages, Lessons and Gratitude”. Contact the Temple for more info at: 773-342-4600 or [email protected]
The New Moon is at 15° Aries on Friday, April 5, 2019 at 3:50 a.m. CDT. Lots of vibrant energy for starting fresh on new projects. Work steadily if you can. There's a tendency to charge in to an activity and exert so much effort at the beginning that you can fade out and quit before finishing. Jupiter goes retrograde at 24° Sagittarius on April 10 with Mercury square to it. The mood will be fun and light, but it will be easy to be careless with what you communicate, both writing and speaking. Are you taking advantage of learning new things while Jupiter is in Sagittarius? Even retrograde, Jupiter in Sag will help to sustain your interest and boost your ability to grasp new concepts. Lately, I find myself going down "rabbit holes" of learning new things on the internet. I'll be researching one topic and then I'll find a link in an article that takes me to a whole new area of interest. Hours go by in what seems like minutes. As a life-long learner, the internet is an incredible gift. I'm still amazed at how generous people are with their teaching and how much learning content is there for free. Whatever you want to learn, there are videos, podcasts, articles, and even whole books out there. Such a great time to follow your interests.
Here's something I learned: In Japan, calendars will be changed with a new imperial era coming soon: Not as dramatic as the change from Julian to Gregorian calendars in the western world, as in North America in 1752: Changing calendars, time zones and daylight savings times are crazy-making for astrologers. We need accurate dates and times to draw up a horoscope. Fortunately, my astrology software is programmed to adjust for time changes. It will also allow me to notate chart data with NS (new style for Gregorian) and OS (old style for Julian) if the birthdate is far in the past. Then it will calculate the horoscope correctly. In the future: The Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR will present "The Cosmic Skies of 2019" with Dawn Silver and Joe Polise on Tuesday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Des Plaines, IL More info here: You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
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