The New Moon is Wednesday, March 2 at 11:34 a.m. in 12° Pisces bringing compassion, creativity and a focus on inner consciousness. The New Moon is conjunct Jupiter which is very auspicious for all kinds of inner journeying. Meditation is, of course, one example. Reading a book on an unfamiliar culture could be another. Listening to a guided visualization that talks you through an inner journey can be powerful. With water sign Pisces, listening to ocean waves (whether recorded or IRL) can bring deep peacefulness. Jupiter's expansive generosity combined with Pisces empathy may find you doing something to help others. Venus, Mars and Pluto are in a strong conjunction in 27° Capricorn at this same time. This brings out powerful desires in each of us. With Pluto involved, we may drive toward our object of desire without considering the effect on people close to us. The repercussion could be emotional, financial or both. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, also in the New Moon chart, cautions us against crushing someone else's dream. Watch your impulse to critique if someone presents their great new idea to you. Rest in Jupiter's generosity of spirit where we remember that we are not required to always be judging others. Online:
The Astrology of 2022 with Dawn Silver presented by the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR Tuesday, March 8, 7:30 pm on Zoom Email [email protected] to receive Zoom link Free for both member and non-members Dawn's talk will include: The Pluto Return of the US, The Eclipses of 2022, other outstanding planetary line-ups and more You can find me on:
The Full Moon is on Wednesday, February 16 at 10:56 a.m. CST in 27° Leo. Energy and vitality are high at this Full Moon. Leo leadership abilities combined with Capricornian business skills will be very effective. Keep in mind that with the Leo Full Moon everyone will be feeling like taking the lead with their own agenda. If you need to get people to be on your team over the next few days, it can be helpful to remember that Leo sun sign people often get their way by being charming as much as they do by being bossy. Sometimes getting what you want can be as simple as asking for what you want. This is another thing that Leos do naturally while other signs hesitate. I remember a number of years ago that I was having at a restaurant with a Leo friend. When he gave his order, he asked the waitress if he could have his dish a certain way that wasn't on the menu. It surprised me because I wouldn't have thought of asking. Of course, he was served exactly what he asked for. There was no stress involved in the process. Goswami Kriyananda talked about this frequently, emphasizing that you are worthy to ask the Universe for what you want spiritually. You are worthy to ask for and receive Love, Compassion, Wisdom or whatever your cosmic word is. Asking for these things should be, he said, as easy and casual as asking someone at the dinner table to pass the salt. Jupiter in Pisces makes a sextile to Uranus in Taurus on February 17th. This positive aspect brings creativity and even sparks of genius. Allow yourself some quiet time for reflection to listen for new ideas. It's also a good time for brainstorming and mind-mapping exercises. This Jupiter/Uranus aspect is also beneficial for studying a new topic, especially scientific or metaphysical.
Online: A documentary series "The Changing of the Gods" looks at astrological cycles, in part based on Richard Tarnas' book "Cosmos and Psyche," will be available online February 22. View the trailer and sign up here: Friends in Kriya is a weekly gathering of Kriya yogis on Zoom every Sunday at 5 p.m. Central Time. It generally includes meditation, chanting and a short talk. If you are interested in Kriya Yoga and would like to receive the Zoom link or want more info, let me know. I attend this and always come away more balanced and peaceful. If you want to study astrology in depth, check out The Professional Astrology Course from the Temple of Kriya Yoga. Goswami Kriyananda is the instructor via his audio recordings and writing. I help to grade tests and answer student questions. Contact me if you need more information on the course content or how this program works. |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
November 2024