The Full Moon is on Tuesday, August 1, at 1:31 pm CDT in 9° Aquarius. An Aquarian Full Moon is a symbol of social networks, fellowship and connections with friends, so great for meetups and get-togethers. Jupiter (at 13° Taurus) is square to the Full Moon, which can emphasize that expansive feeling of fellowship and connection. With that same Jupiter square, our good feelings may be thwarted by people who have differences in philosophy, religion, and governmental law. Keep compassion and loving-kindness in mind. Aquarius full moons are also times when we're likely to come in contact with creative people and new ideas. And related to the subject of meetups, get-togethers and new ideas: One of the ways to learn astrology fast is to join an astrology group or organization like The National Council for Geocosmic Research which has chapters in many cities including Chicago. Like many groups, The Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR is still meeting on Zoom so people attend from all over. On Tuesday, August 8th, 7:30 p.m. Jon Parks will be speaking on "Rulerships & How to Use Them in Chart Interpretation." Contact [email protected] for info on how to sign up to receive the zoom link. Want more tips on how to learn astrology fast? Here's a video I made several years ago:
The New Moon is on Monday, July 17 at 1:31 pm CDT in 24° Cancer. Cancer is a nurturing sign, so you might find yourself cooking for your family and friends or feeding them emotionally with positive support. With Pluto opposing the New Moon, there's a lot of passionate energy, on a sliding scale from fervent love to furious rage. When you feel yourself just getting warm, that's the time to take a deep breath and recognize which direction between affection and anger you are going and if that direction is wise. Think about a big pot of vegetable soup simmering on the stove. You are creating nutritious food with those ingredients and that heat. But it also has the element of boiling water, which can be scalding if handled incorrectly. Uranus and Neptune are in a harmonious position to the New Moon. With the intuition and inspiration brought by those planets, you can find original ways to visualize and "cook up" a positive month ahead. Coming up:
On July 23rd, Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo. Venus retrograde times (especially 4 or 5 days before and after the 7/23 stationary point) are not good for major purchases and "Venusian" things like fashion and cosmetics. Things bought then tend to be worth less than advertised. Good for having a garage sale but not for buying from a garage sale. Online: "Saturn the Late Bloomer" is an article by Ray Grasse on It gives a more balanced outlook of Saturn in hard aspect to the personal planets. (This essay is also found in his book Under a Sacred Sky.) You can find me on: The Full Moon is on Monday, July 3 at 6:38 am CDT in 11° Capricorn. A Capricorn full moon gives energy to our ambitions. The more organized and business-like we are, the more likely our success. Are your goals written down? Putting goals in writing amplifies the likelihood of accomplishment. Here is an affirmation that takes the Capricorn full moon to both the spiritual and material levels: "The Divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite concrete experiences, leading to perfect health, happiness, success and prosperity." Neptune just turned retrograde on June 30 at 27° Pisces. Keywords for Neptune stationary points are nebulous, foggy, dreamy, creative, musical. Great for using your imagination in creative ways. Decision making is more difficult, because there is hidden information or the objective is vague. Take a few more days before finalizing your plans. Coming up: With the new physical location of the Temple of Kriya Yoga, an in-person Hatha Yoga Teachers Training has been scheduled: Online: Sound Healing Summit 2023 via the Shift Network July 10 - 14, 2023 I love sacred music and chanting. I attended this free virtual summit in 2022 and enjoyed learning about many other modalities of healing with music and sound. --- Astrology Video Here's a conversation from a number of years ago, with Goswami Kriyananda talking to Tom Mula about astrology: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
May 2024