The Full Moon is Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 6:56 a.m. in 3° Pisces. Not an eclipse, but every Full Moon has plenty of energy. In Pisces the Full Moon energy is intuitive and creative. Music and art can feed your soul at this time. If you have an unusual dream be sure to journal it. Wait three days and look at it again. Did that dream have a message for you? Mars has been retrograde since the end of June. Have you felt like you've been running in place? Working hard but with few results? Mars goes direct on August 27th at 28° Capricorn. Give Mars a few days to get moving away from the station point and you may find that everything starts to speed up back to normal. Side Note on Retrogrades: Hope you don't think that planets actually stop in their orbits and reverse direction. Retrograde planets are an optical illusion based on the location of the planets and its speed in relation to earth and the earth's position relative to the sun. You know how we humans are … it's all about our life on earth. If we viewed the planets heliocentrically - from the Sun's perspective - you would never see a planet moving retrograde. In most Western astrology, we take the Earth's perspective, or the human perspective, and make a symbolic correlation between the apparent motion of the planets and our life on Earth. In the future:
September 6 - Retrograde Saturn goes direct at 3° Capricorn. Keep things simple. Take things slow. Actually things will go slowly a week on either side of a Saturn direction anyway. Plan to leave early if you want to get somewhere on time. September 16 - Noon meditation and 1 p.m. lecture at the Temple of Kriya Yoga with Marcia Sacks, Swami K. Adinadananda Noon Meditation: Creating Your Spiritual Reality 1 p.m. Lecture: The Autumnal Equinox: Time, Karma and Astrology Yoga Chicago Magazine Watch for my article in the September/October issue of Yoga Chicago which will be found in your local yoga and fitness centers around September 1.
Today, as I'm writing this Uranus is in 2° Taurus making its turn retrograde. Stationary points concentrate the energy of a planet in that position. Uranus is high energy, the energy of a lightning bolt or live wire. It's accident proneness and sudden unexpected changes of plan. Stay flexible and ready for adventure over the next several days. Generally, I say to clients, "Don't stick a fork into the toaster." This is a symbol to keep you conscious of the potential for household electrical issues. You should apply this to your own circumstances. Turn off the light before you change the light bulb. Pop off the circuit breaker before you repair an electrical socket. If you see the people around you are on edge, calm yourself down first before speaking. And as I said a couple weeks ago, take a deep breath and bless your car before you drive. With all the excitement, we need some inner peace. The mantra calling on the Universe to help us find peace at every level of our being is "Om shanti, shanti, shanti". You can listen to it on the Mantra: Sounds of Transformation album - it's the last track: (Just FYI, I'm one of the voices in the chorus on this album.) '
This same week, we have the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 at 4:57 a.m. CDT in 18°Leo. The Sun represents your outer life and the Moon represents your inner life. So the inner and outer parts of you are aligned but intensified in the glow of Leo. In my article for Yoga Chicago magazine I describe this intriguing aspect to the eclipse: "the finger of God" (yod) aspect from the transpersonal Neptune and Pluto to the Eclipse Sun and Moon … reminds us that we are infinitesimally small in proportion to the universe, whereas our pride and ego are galactically large." What I mean to say is that Leo as a zodiac sign is symbolic of leadership and creativity. With the eclipse in Leo everyone needs to watch their motivations. Are you a servant leader or dictatorial leader? Are you playful and generous in your artistic endeavors or are you a diva? Over-inflated egos may get deflated by circumstances outside of their control at this time. Saturn in Capricorn is still in that favorable trine to Uranus in Taurus. Keep steady toward your goals. Your hard work will pay off, first when Mercury goes direct on August 19th and even more so after Mars ends its retrograde on August 27th. Coming up: Astrologer Lyn Ewing with be speaking on Tuesday night, August 14 at the next NCGR meeting on: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE HOUSES OF THE HOROSCOPE: THE CREATION OF IDENTITY I'm a member of this NCGR chapter and enjoy hearing different perspectives on astrology each month. |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
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