The Solar Eclipse occurs on December 14, 10:26 a.m. CST in 23° Sagittarius, a sign that energizes both our enthusiasm for learning and our sense of adventure. It's a good time to think about what you would like to learn in the year ahead or what type of adventure you would like to take. My talk for the Temple of Kriya Yoga which will be posted on their webpage at noon this Sunday, December 13th, will talk about "Your Inward Adventure", which is more of a spiritual journey. The Solar Eclipse this Monday combines in an interesting way with the Winter Solstice and the Jupiter Saturn conjunction which both take place on December 21st. These are all points of new beginnings of larger cycles. A solar eclipse represents changes which can occur at the time of the eclipse or may develop into a major change over the course of one year. The winter solstice marks the beginning of a new quarter year. Because it falls close to the western calendar new year, many people look at the winter solstice as the start of a new one year cycle. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction begins an approximate 20 year cycle. The way that I look at it is that these points of new beginnings are an excellent time to plant a seed of what you want to grow as these cycles develop. Some people plant seeds of a very high level purpose like "Love", "Wisdom", "Peace", "Happiness". Others make long term plans for personal or business goals. You can plant a seed by writing down your intention, verbalizing your goal to others or simply taking a small action. Small actions can be reading a book that applies to your goal, putting money toward your goal in an envelope, or writing down your next step. I also like the practice of writing out or creating an illustration of what your finished goal or project will look like. Because Jupiter and Saturn will both be active at this time, it's important to remember that any big goals set or major projects started will likely develop slowly over time. Coming up: Sunday, December 14: "Your Inward Adventure", my noon meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga, will be posted online here. Sunday, December 21: "Winter Solstice Celebration" with music and chanting, an inspiration noon meditation with Swami Pharananda and my astrological talk on Planetary Positions for 2021. Watch here at noon on 12/21. Wishing you a joyful, healthy and safe holiday season.
The aspects coming up in these first weeks of January are very intense. There is some similarity to the first two weeks in January of 2019. It's wise to reflect on what happened then, how you handled the people and situations at that time, what you learned and what skills you gained. This will benefit you in the weeks ahead. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is this Friday, January 10th in 20° Cancer. The Moon is exactly opposite the Sun at 20° Capricorn (forming the Full Moon), Mercury at 20° Capricorn, plus Saturn and Pluto at 22° Capricorn (exactly conjunct on January 12). This means the emotional sensitivity of the Moon are combined with the Saturn pressures to conform versus the Pluto pressure to transform. It is very much of a volcano aspect - if the pressure is not vented a huge explosion can occur. Sometimes one word (Mercury) can put the match to the fuse, so carefully choose what you say and how you say it. Think of how a volcano vents steam to prevent a mountain from blowing its top. We can vent by taking a walk, doing yoga or other balancing movement practices, chanting or singing, or just pulling back from a bad situation. A genuine gentle or caring word to another person may help them vent or defuse. January 10 - Lunar Eclipse 20° Cancer Uranus is going direct on January 11th at 2° Taurus bringing unexpected changes and disruptions to situations we thought were stable. There can also be high creativity so write down your ideas, just don't act on them immediately. For this coming two weeks forecast, I've been talking to my clients (and myself) about moving consciously and carefully. Uranus brings a general type of accident-proneness. I remember one time trying to get something done quickly in the kitchen and deciding (unwisely) to reach up into a cupboard one-handed to try to get one of my glass measuring cups out of the stack. In the blink of an eye, the largest cup fell from above my head to the edge of the sink and onto the kitchen floor shattering into thousands of tiny pieces. By the grace of God, I wasn't hurt. But I felt stupid. What was I thinking? Not much you can do at that point but sweep up. However, I was still finding teeny shards in corners of my kitchen weeks later. Try to take this story symbolically. For the two weeks move slowly and carefully, think before you speak, don’t try to rush whether at home, at work or driving.
More on these early January aspects in my latest article for Yoga Chicago Magazine: The Winter Solstice occurs tomorrow, December 21, 10:19 p.m. CST. In this chart the Sun at 0° Capricorn is conjunct Jupiter at 4° Capricorn. Those planets are in a harmonious trine to Uranus at 2° Taurus. Because of Jupiter's expansive nature, it is the perfect time to imagine and visualize the things you would like to increase or grow 2020. Make this 'wish' as specific and clear as possible, while at the same time be open to the possibilities you cannot imagine. Keep this Louise Hay affirmation in mind, especially for the unpredictable Uranus involved: "I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources." The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is on Christmas Day, December 25, 11:13 p.m. CST (December 26 on the east coast at 12:13 a.m.) placing the Sun and the Moon at 4° Capricorn conjunct Jupiter at 5° Capricorn and, like the Solstice chart mentioned above, those 3 planets are trine to Uranus. This is good for those looking for big presents as well as for those who seek a spiritual dimension to this holiday. Eclipses also imply change and the conjunction with Jupiter suggests that for many people there will be travel beyond your own country's borders or an expansion of awareness of the planet as a whole. On the other hand, Saturn and Pluto are nearly conjunct in the eclipse chart. (The exact conjunction takes place on January 12th at 22° Capricorn.) I often talk about the Saturn/Pluto conjunction as a 'volcano' aspect - pressure from within ourselves in conflict with pressure outside ourselves. With the Solar Eclipse on a holiday, there could be a bit of extra pressure and occasional melancholy, despite the celebrations. Practice ways to release stress such as meditation, hatha yoga, singing/chanting, walking or dancing. Be as forgiving as possible with the people in your life. May you be blessed at this holiday season and in the new year. Coming in 2020:
Watch for my next column in the January/February issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine on "The Journey from Mars to Venus." If your Jupiter in Capricorn wish is to expand your knowledge of astrology, consider The Professional Astrology Course, a distance learning program offered by the Temple of Kriya Yoga. If you have questions about this course please feel free to contact me. You can find me on: Today, as I'm writing this Uranus is in 2° Taurus making its turn retrograde. Stationary points concentrate the energy of a planet in that position. Uranus is high energy, the energy of a lightning bolt or live wire. It's accident proneness and sudden unexpected changes of plan. Stay flexible and ready for adventure over the next several days. Generally, I say to clients, "Don't stick a fork into the toaster." This is a symbol to keep you conscious of the potential for household electrical issues. You should apply this to your own circumstances. Turn off the light before you change the light bulb. Pop off the circuit breaker before you repair an electrical socket. If you see the people around you are on edge, calm yourself down first before speaking. And as I said a couple weeks ago, take a deep breath and bless your car before you drive. With all the excitement, we need some inner peace. The mantra calling on the Universe to help us find peace at every level of our being is "Om shanti, shanti, shanti". You can listen to it on the Mantra: Sounds of Transformation album - it's the last track: (Just FYI, I'm one of the voices in the chorus on this album.) '
This same week, we have the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 at 4:57 a.m. CDT in 18°Leo. The Sun represents your outer life and the Moon represents your inner life. So the inner and outer parts of you are aligned but intensified in the glow of Leo. In my article for Yoga Chicago magazine I describe this intriguing aspect to the eclipse: "the finger of God" (yod) aspect from the transpersonal Neptune and Pluto to the Eclipse Sun and Moon … reminds us that we are infinitesimally small in proportion to the universe, whereas our pride and ego are galactically large." What I mean to say is that Leo as a zodiac sign is symbolic of leadership and creativity. With the eclipse in Leo everyone needs to watch their motivations. Are you a servant leader or dictatorial leader? Are you playful and generous in your artistic endeavors or are you a diva? Over-inflated egos may get deflated by circumstances outside of their control at this time. Saturn in Capricorn is still in that favorable trine to Uranus in Taurus. Keep steady toward your goals. Your hard work will pay off, first when Mercury goes direct on August 19th and even more so after Mars ends its retrograde on August 27th. Coming up: Astrologer Lyn Ewing with be speaking on Tuesday night, August 14 at the next NCGR meeting on: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE HOUSES OF THE HOROSCOPE: THE CREATION OF IDENTITY I'm a member of this NCGR chapter and enjoy hearing different perspectives on astrology each month. We're still in eclipse season. You may find that your life has been transformed by the time this season is over. Can you choose to be transformed? Or are you a passive experiencer of transformation? Here's the eclipse list: Solar Eclipse: July 12, 2018 9:47 p.m. CDT 20° Cancer Lunar Eclipse: July 27, 2018 3:30 p.m. CDT 4° Aquarius Solar Eclipse: August 11, 2018 4:57 a.m. CDT 18° Leo I think it helps if you have an over-arching goal or a set of key spiritual principles that inform all the choices of your life. That will give context to all your life experiences. When you have a happy transformation, you can appreciate it more deeply. When you have a "challenging" transformation, you can extract a life lesson. During the Lunar Eclipse on July 27th, It will benefit you if one of your key principles is "Be Here Now" like the title of Ram Dass' popular book from the 1970s. It means, in part, to be awake and aware in your life, being more here and now than spacing out or walking through life without paying attention. The Lunar Eclipse occurs on July 27, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. CDT at 4° Aquarius. It is conjunct Mars and squared to Uranus. Mars rules fighting and arguing, sharp objects and driving a car. Uranus rules accidents. Does that mean everyone in the world is going to have a car accident while they're having an argument in the car? No - it's a symbol to assist you in paying attention. But it couldn't hurt to say a prayer, bless your vehicle, and calm down if you're rushing, before you get behind the wheel over the next few days. It's the same thing if you're chopping veggies in the kitchen. Pay attention. Slow down. It's the same thing when you want to slam someone with words that are clever but cruel and cutting. Take a moment to think it through and if you really want to start a war just to prove how brilliant and correct you are. More about the Lunar Eclipse in my Yoga Chicago article. We do have two nice trines in this eclipse chart. Saturn is harmonious to Uranus, so channel your creative and inventive energy into your long term goals. Jupiter in Scorpio is trining Neptune in Pisces which is good for art, poetry, music and also attunement to the Divine.
The Mercury in this eclipse chart is at a stationary point (Mercury goes retrograde on July 26th at 23° Leo). Not good for new beginnings. Be careful of errors within written documents and contracts you sign over the next several days. Mercury retrograde periods (7/26 - 8/19) can be good for research and study. Be awake and aware and careful about what you say and how you say it as I mentioned above - Mercury rules communication. It's eclipse season. "An eclipse season is one of only two periods during a year when eclipses can occur, due to the orbital inclination of the Moon." -Wikipedia Many times just two eclipses occur - one solar and one lunar - but there can be more, like this season, with two solar and one lunar eclipse across July and August. Here are the dates: Solar Eclipse: July 12, 2018 9:47 p.m. CDT 20° Cancer Lunar Eclipse: July 27, 2018 3:30 p.m. CDT 4° Aquarius Solar Eclipse: August 11, 2018 4:57 a.m. CDT 18° Leo If you want a clearer understanding from the science side about solar and lunar eclipses, try this video. If you want a brief description of each eclipse from a spiritual/karmic perspective, check out my article in the July/August issue of Yoga Chicago magazine. Let's focus on the July 12th eclipse for now. The key aspect is the opposition to Pluto at 20° Capricorn. In my article I point out briefly that "life transformations and letting go of the past are the symbols for this eclipse." Do you have a transformation or change that needs to be made in your life? A well thought out plan for change could be very powerful when enacted right now. If you don't have a plan, use the energy of the eclipse to formulate one (don't just think about it, write it down!). Take some steps forward. Create momentum. If it seems like the changes are slow to implement, persist and the results will begin to show when Mars goes direct at the end of August. With the Pluto in such a strong position, add a touch of gentleness to all you do. Changes you're trying to implement under Pluto can feel intimidating or threatening to others. There are two grand trines within the eclipse chart. The first harmonizes the energy between Venus, Saturn and Uranus. This symbolizes the ability to take your creative plus practical skills and make something beautiful and long-lasting. The other grand trine harmonizes the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune. Strong intuition and depth of meditation are possible for a few days before and after the eclipse. If your plan is to further a goal that is in the field of music, poetry or religion this is a beneficial aspect. The primary energy of the eclipse is strongest 3 days before and after the eclipse. However, the changes made at an eclipse can affect your life for years into the future. You can find me: If you would like to receive this blog by email, message me on the Contact page.
This month's new moon is a Partial Solar Eclipse that takes place on February 15, 2018, 3:05 p.m. CST in 27° Aquarius. Aquarius symbolizes the feeling of fellowship and brotherhood. It reminds me of the Sanskrit (and Pali) word "Sangha." Sangha means community of like-minded souls. It can benefit you at the time of the eclipse (and several days on either side) to hang out with people who support your values, especially your spiritual values. Being with brothers and sisters in spirit is a type of nourishment for the soul.
Or simply think of this as a time to connect with friends whether in person or electronically. Uranus in the sextile position to the Sun and Moon in the eclipse chart indicates benefits from technology. On the other hand, the eclipse chart has Mars at 12° Sagittarius squaring Neptune in 13° Pisces. Not good energy for starting new projects especially those that involve water (plumbing projects, for example) or paint. Neptune in this position can both dilute energy (you start but don't finish) and also delude you (make you certain you have the skills and tools to complete a complicated DIY project). If you find yourself inspired at the eclipse, take time to analyze and plan first. A lunar eclipse will take place on January 31, 2018 at 7:36 a.m. CST in 12° Leo. It terms of personal astrology, it doesn't matter that it's a super moon or a blood moon or a blue moon. What matters is that when the moon is involved it still only means one main thing for us all: our heightened emotions and how we handle them. To be honest, there's a lot of social fun that comes with the emphasis on the sign of Leo and it's opposite Aquarius. It's both a good time to get together with longtime friends and a good time to make new ones. Pay attention to the people you meet for the first time over the next few days. Make a note in your journal of their names and how you met. They may gain importance in your life in the months to come. Leo energy is also very creative. Give yourself the time to express yourself creatively or artistically in some way.
Conflict arises with situations that pit old ideas against new ones. Also people or circumstances that threaten old habit patterns can be challenging. Logic will not help in an argument when people have already taken sides. Appropriate humor or a Zen koan type story may be more helpful. (Sidetrack: Have you read Zen Flesh, Zen Bones? It's filled with wonderful Zen stories that give your mind a refresh.) Take a walk or dance to music or play a fun board (or video) game with your opposition. |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
November 2024