The New Moon is on Tuesday, June 28 at 9:52 pm CDT in 7° Cancer. There's a focus on home and family. It's a good time for making where you live peaceful and harmonious. With Neptune at its stationary point at 25° Pisces, things are too nebulous for deep cleanouts because there's a chance you might throw out something important. Avoid strong chemical cleansers during Neptune times (a week on either side of the station point). Think more about improving the atmosphere: natural scents like essential oils, soothing or upbeat music, objects of beauty such as artwork, photos of loved ones, or plants and flowers. Cancer is a water sign and Neptune is a 'watery' planet. In mythology, Neptune was the ruler of the oceans. All things related to water are important at this new moon. That includes remembering safety rules when going swimming. It also suggests paying attention to plumbing issues. There may be even more stories than usual in the news about water, scarcity in some places, too much in others. Water in astrology is also related to our moods and emotions. Use skillful means like meditation, yoga and related types of balancing techniques to calm the waters. Dreams at night may be more vivid and/or meaningful. Be sure to write them down and give yourself some time to contemplate their significance.
Coming up: July 12th, 7:30 p.m. via Zoom Dave Gunning: The Kite Formation Presented by the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR Email [email protected] for the zoom link or connect with the group on meetup or Facebook: The National Council for Geocosmic Research is an organization for astrological education and research:
There is a lunar eclipse on Monday, Nov 30 2020, at 3:29 am CST in 8° Gemini. With all eclipses there is a strong urge to make changes. In Gemini, the drive to change is in the area of communication. It can be helpful to reflect on the way you communicate with others, not only the way you speak but how you listen. There's a tendency over the next several days to get distracted from tasks and responsibilities by the daily news sources. The Sun is in the opposite sign of Sagittarius, making it possible to flip your thinking to underlying universal truths and life philosophy in order to calm a racing mind down. Neptune is making a station point today as I write this on November 28, going direct at 18° Pisces. The effect is at least a week on either side of 11/28. Neptune's influence makes us spacey and forgetful. Write down your lists and journal your day so you don't forget who you are, where you're going, and where you've been. Neptune's strength is in creative efforts like painting, poetry, music and creative writing. It is also good for inputting positive affirmations especially through guided meditation and self-hypnosis techniques. Neptune, combined with a lunar eclipse in Gemini, you may find that people make promises they cannot fulfill. Usually that's not out of malice, more that there are unforeseen circumstances. One strategy with any promise you receive in the next few days is to make a back up plan, just in case. Online:
My article "A Mindful Approach to Sorting Things Out" is in the Fall/Winter 2020 issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. Coming up: I will be giving the Noon Meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga on Sunday, December 13. "Your Inward Adventure" will be posted here around noon on 12/13. I will talk about how the winter months are a good time to turn more deeply within. Reflection and contemplation on sacred texts can enhance this inward adventure. You can find me on: The New Moon is on Friday, May 22 at 12:38 pm CDT in 2° Gemini. Gemini New Moon energy is generally light-hearted and good for conversations that stay on casual topics. Games of all sorts whether in person or online can be fun, especially those that have an element of collaboration. Decisions are more difficult with a Gemini New Moon. There are often at least two choices in each situation. Remember to look for the path that supports your highest goals. Mercury (the mind and cognition) and Venus (love and allurement) are square (inharmonious to) nebulous Neptune in the New Moon Chart. This brings confusion in all types of decision making over the next few days. With Saturn placed harmoniously to the New Moon, taking your time with benefit you. With Mercury squaring Neptune over the next several days, misinformation may come to you through all types of media. Before you act or pass on a message to others, do a fact check - and maybe a spelling/grammar check, too. If you're out and about, use caution in driving. Mercury square Neptune can be spacing out and missing a turn. Having your GPS on can help, but you need to use your own perception as well. Here's an event that doesn't involve driving anywhere this weekend:
NORWAC: The Northwest Astrological Conference which usually takes place in Seattle will be held online instead. Great opportunity to hear well-known astrologers speaking on a wide variety of topics. May 21 - 25, 2020 If you would like to receive Astrology Update by Marcia Sacks as an email newsletter, just message me through this website's contact form. You can find me on: The Full Moon on Sunday, February 9 is at 1:33 a.m. in 20° Leo. The energy is lively and excellent for socializing. Leo is the sign of games, play and fun. If you've been overworked and stressed, take time for an activity that is purely for fun. It doesn't have to be wild. If reading quietly is fun for you, go for it. Just make sure that it's a book (or movie) that gives you a positive emotional boost. There is a dynamic between the Moon in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius at this Full Moon. There may be conversations or situations with conflict between people on opposite sides of an issue. This means some people will be focused on self-interest. Others will take a more humanitarian or global outlook. Our challenge is to listen before responding, then find common ground if possible. Coming up: Mercury goes retrograde on February 17th (until March 11). The stationary point is at 12° Pisces, relatively close to Neptune at 17° Pisces. This will be a spacey, absent-minded period several days on either side of 2/17. Not good for starting new projects or signing papers. Mercury rules both communication and local transportation. Think a bit before speaking in order to organize your thoughts and words. Watch out for distracted drivers. Remember, you're the one with extra (astrological) information. You are of service to others, doing a good deed, when you speak carefully and drive safely. February 23 - Noon Meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga at Moksha Yoga Center in Chicago. Open to all. My talk will be "Living the Spiritual Path." There are many ways to balance our spiritual journey toward wisdom and peace with our everyday life. This talk will focus on overcoming the obstacles we find in every day life as we move toward more subtle states of awareness. You can find me on: There's a New Moon tomorrow, Friday, January 24, at 3:42 p.m. CST in 4° Aquarius. Aquarius new moons are excellent times for socializing with friends, exchanging interesting ideas and doing something different from your everyday routine. The sign Aquarius embodies both scientific thought and metaphysical pursuits. Experiment by pulling a Tarot card at the time of the New Moon and see how that message resonates with you and the next two weeks ahead. If you're not a Tarot person, try bibliomancy:
To be more Aquarian in the sense of egalitarianism, try stichomancy. With stichomancy, you use any type of book with the same technique - close eyes, random pick, reflect on the passage. This New Moon is squared to Uranus, so it's best to use caution with things having to do with electricity. Don't stick your fork into the toaster. If you find yourself tempted to buy a computer, get the extended warranty. Two weeks ago, I wrote about Uranus aspects having a general type of accident proneness, where we might move too quickly in the wrong direction. That would apply to a day or so before and after this New Moon. Another minor aspect in the New Moon chart is Venus conjunct Neptune which will be exact on Monday, January 27th. While excellent for meditation and attunement to the Divine, it is not great for shopping for clothes, jewelry or cosmetics (which are ruled by Venus). I hate to even mention that the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is still in orb (although Saturn has pulled ahead and is moving away). Continue to find ways to vent frustrations in a healthy, constructive way. With the aspect diminishing as time goes by, it's time to get back to projects that seemed to have had insurmountable objects in the way, including our own lack of motivation. I was taught that under Saturn aspects "what's delayed to you is not denied to you." For all of us, the work we put in last year will eventually start to pay off if we haven't given up on our hopes and dreams. Begin to move forward again, even if it's just one inch at a time. Online:
My article "The Journey from Mars to Venus" is now online in Yoga Chicago Magazine. The new year is a great time to expand your knowledge of astrology. I recommend the Professional Astrology Course from the Temple of Kriya Yoga. This is a distance learning, self-paced online course that can be started any time. The majority of the course is taught by the writings and audio recordings of my guru and astrology teacher Goswami Kriyananda. I'm an instructor for the course, answering student's questions and leading monthly webinars. More information is here: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the course content or want a 'tour' of the site via webinar. You can find me on: The Full Moon on Monday, June 17 is at 3:30 a.m. in 25° Sagittarius which brings a quick, bright, enthusiastic energy and an upbeat feeling that life should be an adventure. At the same time the degree of the Full Moon is in the sector of space that aligns with the Galactic Center around 27° Sagittarius. This can bring an awareness of the grandeur of the cosmos and our relationship to all that is. Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, our Sun is in a very long orbital spin around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. While it takes Earth one year to revolve around the Sun, it takes the Sun an estimated 250 million years to circle the galaxy. It gives this Full Moon a quality of deep contemplation about the meaning of life. If you look at the Full Moon in the early hours of Monday morning, you are looking toward the heart of our galaxy. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and it is exactly squaring Neptune on June 16th. This is wonderful for meditation or any other uplifting technique. Neptune dissolves the barriers between the physical and the higher planes. Watch out for too much spaciness. Take time after your meditation session or a yoga class' closing relaxation to get re-grounded before driving or anything else that requires full concentration. The sense of optimism that is occurring under this aspect can lead to careless decision making. However, Saturn is trining Neptune (exact on June 18th) and means time (a symbol of Saturn) can benefit you as you make choices. Take your time. Let optimism expand your imagination and show you a better path to the future, but use the practicality of Saturn to 'do the math', make a list or write down your plan. The Neptune station retrograde on June 21 continues Neptune's square to Jupiter and sextile to Saturn. Discipline and organization can help you navigate the nebulousness of Neptune. Write in your journal, keep notes, make lists, use your paper or online planner. You think you'll remember your to-do's and appointments but under this type of Neptune things slip through the cracks of normal mental competency. Even though pens and pencils are Mercury symbols, the act of writing things down is Saturn. An ephemeral thought is captured on paper or pixel where it travels through time into the future. (This aspect lasts one to two weeks on either side of June 21.) You can find me on: The New Moon on June 3 is at 5:01 a.m. in 12° Gemini. Gemini energy is lively and playful, great for socializing and mental fun like games and puzzles. The days around a Gemini new moon are often filled with lots of short, quick communications. Keep in mind that depth may be sacrificed for brevity and if you're looking for details, those may come a several days after the new moon. Because Neptune is in a squared position to the new moon, decisions will be more difficult to make. There may be more than one path to your goal and for a few days you might feel stuck at the crossroads. In that situation, gather more information for a few more days to make the wisest choice. More on this new moon in my article Getting to Know Yourself Deeply in the May/June issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. Dream Your Dream Wisely: The audio of my May 26 Sunday Noon Meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga is now on youtube (If you click the "subscribe" button you will get notified when I post a new video.)
In the future: Second Sunday Tarot: June 9, 11 a.m., Calibre Coffee, South Barrington A casual and fun Tarot group for anyone interested in learning more about Tarot. Members are total beginners through professional level. Info at either: Meetup: Facebook: Traditional astrologer Joe Simon will be presenting a lecture and workshop for the Northern Illinois Chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research: June 11, 7:30 - 9 p.m.: Lecture: Medieval Astrology , 7:30 - 9 p.m. June 15, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Workshop: Astrological Houses in Traditional Practice Information: You can find me on: The Full Moon and the Vernal Equinox both occur on March 20, 2019. The Equinox is at 4:58 pm CDT, as always with the Sun at 0° Aries. The Full Moon is at 8:42 pm CDT in 0° Libra. Equinoxes represent balance and the sign Libra represents harmony. One thing to think about at this time is how you can bring more balance and harmony into your own life. With the Equinox and Full Moon giving emphasis to the Aries/Libra polarity here are some other things to think about. How you want to approach the next two weeks (the Full Moon time frame) or the next quarter of a year (the Equinox time frame)? Will you choose the forcefulness of Aries or the diplomacy of Libra? What works best for you - the independence of Aries or working together in partnerships like Libra? With Mercury still retrograde, neither the decisiveness of Aries nor the Libran tendency to poll the opinions of others will have an advantage in the next few days. Important decisions that have legal implications should probably be put off until several days after Mercury goes direct on March 28. So how has this Mercury retrograde period been for you? On March 5, the day of the Mercury retrograde we were already in the car on the expressway when we realized we left something critically important at home. We had to get to the next exit, retrograde our way back to our house on the local roads, retrieve what we needed, and then get back on the expressway. That was so totally Mercury retro that we had to laugh even though it was a time-consuming inconvenience. Goswami Kriyananda said "Karma is forgetfulness." So even though I knew that it was Mercury retrograde, and I knew we needed to stand still for a moment and think before we walked out the door, we still got caught up in that moment of rushing out. The key point about knowing that an aspect occurred and a piece of karma triggered is that if you can rebalance right away, the piece of karma is over. Actually, laughing is a way of softening or neutralizing karma. If we'd beat ourselves up about the incident all day, we'd have been hanging onto a piece of karma that could have been over. Here's a relevant Zen story "The Muddy Road" from the book Zen Flesh, Zen Bones by Paul Reps: Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling. Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection. 'Come on, girl,' said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her over the mud. Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he no longer could restrain himself. 'We monks don't go near females.' He told Tanzan, especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?' 'I left the girl there,' said Tanzan. 'Are you still carrying her?' Keep in mind that when Mercury goes direct on March 28 it's conjunct Neptune so extra 'forgetfulness' is possible for a day or two around the 28th. Do the best you can by communicating carefully and making lists of things to remember. If you have to 'retrograde' to fix a problem, just do it, then let it go. A few days on from March 28, projects and plans will begin to move forward again. Online: My article "Astrology, Yoga and Balance" is in the March/April issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. Goswami Kriyananda's Professional Astrology Course is distance learning at your own pace. In the Future: Saturday, March 23, 6:30 - 8 p.m.: Music Meditation with the Temple of Kriya Yoga Musicians at The Yoga Shop, 3830 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago Sunday, March 31: Astrologer Lynn Ewing is giving a workshop "Retrogrades - the Big Rewind - Karma, Reincarnation, Revisioning" at Life Force Arts Center in Chicago. Wishing you happy holidays and a blessed winter solstice! December 21 is the Winter Solstice, the official first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Solstices, like equinoxes, mark a new quarter of the year. This is a good time to envision your highest goal, what you want to incorporate into your life for the next few months. I was at the Temple of Kriya Yoga this past Sunday for the Winter Solstice Celebration. The theme of the celebration was "compassion." Looking at the astrological chart for the solstice, I feel this captures the essence of the aspects Jupiter conjunct Mercury square Neptune and Venus trine Neptune. Neptune at its best is the ability to be empathic, to feel a communion with others, a loving connection with the Divine in all of us. The Fourteenth Dalai Lama often speaks or writes about compassion: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” “Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.” Some of the above quotes are from his book "The Art of Happiness." I am currently reading the book "My Spiritual Journey" which is free right now for Amazon Prime members. More about the winter solstice in my article in Yoga Chicago Magazine. The Full Moon is on December 22, 2018 at 11:48 p.m. in 0° Cancer. The sign Cancer relates strongly to home and family. So it's the perfect time to share the holidays with family. It can also be a time to gently redecorate your home environment with items, colors or arrangements that bring you a feeling of joy or peacefulness. The same Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune alignment is in the chart of the Full Moon that is in the chart of the solstice. Along with all the good feelings I described, Jupiter is also the planet of overindulgence and Neptune rules alcohol and drugs. Since the next two weeks are often filled with parties and socializing, keep in mind that with Neptune strongly placed in the Full Moon chart, we may all be more powerfully affected than usual by the brain influencers and mood amplifiers that are offered to us. In the future:
The January 5th solar eclipse is conjunct both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This lineup of planets is likely to bring difficult and frustrating responsibilities combined with a strong desire to break free from old patterns. I often talk about the Saturn/Pluto conjunction as a 'volcano' aspect - pressure from within ourselves in conflict with pressure outside ourselves. Practice ways to release stress in advance of this aspect such as meditation, hatha yoga, singing/chanting, walking or dancing in order to have them as part of your skill set in early January. There's more about Saturn, Pluto and the January 5th Solar Eclipse on the audio recording of my talk "Astrology and Kriya Yoga: Planetary Patterns 2019". And more in the January-February issue of Yoga Chicago magazine which you'll find at your local yoga studio, fitness or health center in the new year. You can find me on: The New Moon is December 7, 2018, 1:20 a.m. in 15° Sagittarius Does it feel like you've been slogging through a swamp or not quite feeling awake all day for the past few weeks? Neptune has been the prominent outer planet in terms of astrological aspects lately. When Mercury went retrograde on November 16, it was squared to Neptune. In this way, it picked up the "flavor" of Neptune carrying with it in its backward journey. Then Neptune went direct on November 24th, still in square to Mercury (the mind). Now Mercury finally goes direct on December 6 at 27 ° Scorpio but it will take a few days for us to feel like we're going forward again. In the meantime this New Moon is square to a an exact conjunction of Mars and Neptune at 13° Pisces. So more Neptune. At least for several days past the New Moon. As a said in my last blog post, Neptune rules feeling foggy, nebulous or spacey. It's hard to see people and their motivations clearly. A Mars/Neptune conjunction is dangerous. One symbol is drunk drivers or driving under the influence of drugs. Another is driving while sleep-deprived. (Mars is driving, Neptune is drugs or spaciness of any sort). Another symbol is a salesman (Mars) giving you misinformation (Neptune) on a product or service. One more symbol to keep in mind is getting scalded (Mars) by boiling water or steam (Neptune is water and with Mars is steam). Stay awake and aware whether driving, shopping or cooking at this New Moon. A benefit to Neptune is being more suggestible, so affirmations can be very powerful at this time. Some tips for creating affirmations:
I am healing deeply as pure Divine energy fills and permeates every level of my body and mind. If you want ideas for affirmations try these: Or just Google "Affirmations for ___________" and fill in the blank. Another way to use this New Moon energy is to totally tune into the most spiritual and uplifting aspects of the holiday season. Find the music that makes your soul soar and play that often. Light candles. Give to charity. Watch the holiday movies that make you laugh or open your heart. In the future:
The Winter Solstice takes place on December 21. I wrote a little bit about that for Yoga Chicago Magazine. I will be giving a talk on "Kriya Yoga and Astrology: Planetary Patterns for 2019" at the Winter Solstice Festival at the Temple of Kriya Yoga: Sunday, December 16, 11:30 a.m., 2414 N. Kedzie, Chicago, IL There will also be talks, meditation, a ritual and refreshments. The program is described here: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
November 2024