The Winter Solstice occurs tomorrow, December 21, 10:19 p.m. CST. In this chart the Sun at 0° Capricorn is conjunct Jupiter at 4° Capricorn. Those planets are in a harmonious trine to Uranus at 2° Taurus. Because of Jupiter's expansive nature, it is the perfect time to imagine and visualize the things you would like to increase or grow 2020. Make this 'wish' as specific and clear as possible, while at the same time be open to the possibilities you cannot imagine. Keep this Louise Hay affirmation in mind, especially for the unpredictable Uranus involved: "I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources." The New Moon/Solar Eclipse is on Christmas Day, December 25, 11:13 p.m. CST (December 26 on the east coast at 12:13 a.m.) placing the Sun and the Moon at 4° Capricorn conjunct Jupiter at 5° Capricorn and, like the Solstice chart mentioned above, those 3 planets are trine to Uranus. This is good for those looking for big presents as well as for those who seek a spiritual dimension to this holiday. Eclipses also imply change and the conjunction with Jupiter suggests that for many people there will be travel beyond your own country's borders or an expansion of awareness of the planet as a whole. On the other hand, Saturn and Pluto are nearly conjunct in the eclipse chart. (The exact conjunction takes place on January 12th at 22° Capricorn.) I often talk about the Saturn/Pluto conjunction as a 'volcano' aspect - pressure from within ourselves in conflict with pressure outside ourselves. With the Solar Eclipse on a holiday, there could be a bit of extra pressure and occasional melancholy, despite the celebrations. Practice ways to release stress such as meditation, hatha yoga, singing/chanting, walking or dancing. Be as forgiving as possible with the people in your life. May you be blessed at this holiday season and in the new year. Coming in 2020:
Watch for my next column in the January/February issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine on "The Journey from Mars to Venus." If your Jupiter in Capricorn wish is to expand your knowledge of astrology, consider The Professional Astrology Course, a distance learning program offered by the Temple of Kriya Yoga. If you have questions about this course please feel free to contact me. You can find me on:
The full moon is on Wednesday, December 11, 11: 12 p.m. at 19° Gemini. With the moon in Gemini, there's always trouble with decision making. Often there are just too many choices. This will be added to by the Moon squared to Neptune in the full moon chart. Many of the choices will be nebulous or even non-existent or scams. It reminds me of seven of cups in Tarot, meaning that some of the things you think you really want may not be good for you. Wait a few days before making major choices. Use your search engine to find reviews of products you want to buy. I totally understand that it's shopping season, but just take a deep breath and think through your selection. Moon is Gemini energy is generally very fun and social. With the Neptune square though, it's more likely we'll give in to our temptations and addictions while socializing. Have fun but make sure you have the support you need to get through the next few days without letting go of your goals for health and sanity. Another aspect in the full moon chart is Venus (20° Capricorn) contained by Saturn (19° Cap) and Pluto (21° Cap). For the next day or two, poor sweet Venus (your capacity for love) is held captive by mean old Saturn and seductive Pluto. Wait a few days before making major relationship decisions or commitments. Do your best to express Venus at the highest level with an affirmation of unconditional love. Surround yourself with beauty, maybe art and decorations reflecting the spirit of the season. Scents and fragrances can help us lift our Venus too. Here are two affirmations for Venus: There is also Jupiter trine Uranus aspect on December 15th, from 2° Capricorn to 2° Taurus. This has an orb of about 5 days on either side of the 15th. This aspect brings a harmonious expansion of creativity. The practicality of the earth signs Capricorn and Taurus can help you take your brilliant ideas from your imagination and make them usable in every day life.
On Sunday, December 15th, 12 noon: Winter Solstice Festival, presented by the Temple of Kriya Yoga at Moksha Yoga Center in Chicago Noon Meditation: "Dealing With the Elementals" Swami Mahashastrananda (Ray Ruffer) Folklore and mythology abound in legends of all cultures. This meditation is about understanding how elemental forces influence our thoughts and actions. "Astrology and Kriya Yoga: Planetary Patterns for 2020." Swami K. Adinadananda (Marcia Sacks) A look at the major transits for 2020 along with key practices to soften your karma and use the aspects for your personal and spiritual goals. You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025