There's a solar eclipse on July 2 at 2:16 p.m. CDT in 11° Cancer. Generally, a solar eclipse is a powerful force for change and can be a good time for new beginnings. In Cancer, the solar eclipse brings heightened intuition and empathy for others. Cancer is a nurturing sign, so you might find yourself cooking for your family and friends or feeding them emotionally with positive support. Keep in mind that emotional tension can also be high for some people at this eclipse time (as well as a day or two before and after). Cancer is a sensitive sign and what you say can easily be taken the wrong way. Not a good time to pick a fight. If you want to imbue this solar eclipse with energy for a new beginning, choose a mantra or affirmation that represents your goal. Say it out loud, repeat it silently to yourself, or write it down. Here's a good general purpose affirmation that I like: I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe. Or actually take a small step toward your goal. For example, if your goal is physical health, have a day of eating healthy foods or affirm a commitment to exercise by taking a walk. If your goal is starting your own business, write a business plan or brainstorm your marketing plan. Take out a book from the library on your topic of interest. Find your small step to take. Just FYI, Mercury goes retrograde on July 7 at 4° Leo. Take care in all written and spoken communications and look carefully at documents that need your signature.
In print: My article "Seasons of Growth and Change" in the July-August issue of Yoga Chicago magazine should be online soon. You can pick up the paper copy now at your local yoga centers, natural food stores, and holistic health practitioners.
The Full Moon on Monday, June 17 is at 3:30 a.m. in 25° Sagittarius which brings a quick, bright, enthusiastic energy and an upbeat feeling that life should be an adventure. At the same time the degree of the Full Moon is in the sector of space that aligns with the Galactic Center around 27° Sagittarius. This can bring an awareness of the grandeur of the cosmos and our relationship to all that is. Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, our Sun is in a very long orbital spin around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. While it takes Earth one year to revolve around the Sun, it takes the Sun an estimated 250 million years to circle the galaxy. It gives this Full Moon a quality of deep contemplation about the meaning of life. If you look at the Full Moon in the early hours of Monday morning, you are looking toward the heart of our galaxy. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and it is exactly squaring Neptune on June 16th. This is wonderful for meditation or any other uplifting technique. Neptune dissolves the barriers between the physical and the higher planes. Watch out for too much spaciness. Take time after your meditation session or a yoga class' closing relaxation to get re-grounded before driving or anything else that requires full concentration. The sense of optimism that is occurring under this aspect can lead to careless decision making. However, Saturn is trining Neptune (exact on June 18th) and means time (a symbol of Saturn) can benefit you as you make choices. Take your time. Let optimism expand your imagination and show you a better path to the future, but use the practicality of Saturn to 'do the math', make a list or write down your plan. The Neptune station retrograde on June 21 continues Neptune's square to Jupiter and sextile to Saturn. Discipline and organization can help you navigate the nebulousness of Neptune. Write in your journal, keep notes, make lists, use your paper or online planner. You think you'll remember your to-do's and appointments but under this type of Neptune things slip through the cracks of normal mental competency. Even though pens and pencils are Mercury symbols, the act of writing things down is Saturn. An ephemeral thought is captured on paper or pixel where it travels through time into the future. (This aspect lasts one to two weeks on either side of June 21.) You can find me on: The New Moon on June 3 is at 5:01 a.m. in 12° Gemini. Gemini energy is lively and playful, great for socializing and mental fun like games and puzzles. The days around a Gemini new moon are often filled with lots of short, quick communications. Keep in mind that depth may be sacrificed for brevity and if you're looking for details, those may come a several days after the new moon. Because Neptune is in a squared position to the new moon, decisions will be more difficult to make. There may be more than one path to your goal and for a few days you might feel stuck at the crossroads. In that situation, gather more information for a few more days to make the wisest choice. More on this new moon in my article Getting to Know Yourself Deeply in the May/June issue of Yoga Chicago Magazine. Dream Your Dream Wisely: The audio of my May 26 Sunday Noon Meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga is now on youtube (If you click the "subscribe" button you will get notified when I post a new video.)
In the future: Second Sunday Tarot: June 9, 11 a.m., Calibre Coffee, South Barrington A casual and fun Tarot group for anyone interested in learning more about Tarot. Members are total beginners through professional level. Info at either: Meetup: Facebook: Traditional astrologer Joe Simon will be presenting a lecture and workshop for the Northern Illinois Chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research: June 11, 7:30 - 9 p.m.: Lecture: Medieval Astrology , 7:30 - 9 p.m. June 15, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Workshop: Astrological Houses in Traditional Practice Information: You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
May 2024