There's a lot going on astrologically at this moment of the New Moon which is tomorrow at 9:05 a.m. The New Moon is at 4° Sagittarius making an inconjunct (150°) aspect to Uranus. This combines the upbeat optimism of the sign Sagittarius with the restlessness of Uranus. Many of us will find ourselves trying to go off in multiple directions at the same time. Just as you're focusing on your main priority, you'll find interesting distractions that engage your time and energy. With Sag, the momentum tends to get lost part-way through the project. For some of us, we may find ourselves on an interesting adventure. For others, we may get to the end of the day with nothing of substance completed. This distractedness is aided and abetted by Neptune, which is making a stationary point, going direct on November 27th at 15° Pisces. This affects us for two weeks before and after November 27th. Positive keywords are imaginative and spiritual. Negative keywords are forgetful and spacey. Mercury is in a trine to Neptune in the New Moon chart. Mercury means the pen is your magic wand. Write (or digitally input) everything down. Write down your list of things to do. Write down your dreams. With Neptune, your dreams at night may be more meaningful, but easily forgotten if not journaled. With daytime Neptune, write down your dreams and goals for the future. Neptune dreams and goals can be unrealistic but may give you insight into what your heart longs for. Don't act on the Neptune goals right away. Just keep the list somewhere you can reexamine a couple weeks from now. What about Thanksgiving? With the Neptune station point in effect for Thanksgiving on November 28th there are a few things to think about. If you're the guest make sure you know the right time to be there and remember what you're supposed to bring. If you're the host or hostess, there's a tendency to forget to serve something, like the many times I left something in the refrigerator that I meant to put on the table. It helps to be flexible and have a sense of humor. On the other hand, the spiritual connectedness of Neptune at holiday time can make it joyful and meaningful. In the future: Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2. I wrote several times over the past year that Jupiter in Sagittarius was excellent for learning new things. Jupiter in Capricorn is when you put those new things learned into action. Capricorn is a sign of work and career. Jupiter expands things. Think about how you would like to expand or grow your career. Create a list of ideas, re-do your resume or just focus your goals with an affirmation. Here's a general Jupiterian affirmation you can use: "I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe." Wishing you many blessings in this holiday season.
The Full Moon is Tuesday, November 12, 7:34 a.m. at 19° Taurus. Taurus is the sign of security and stability. This Full Moon combines perfectly with the Saturn sextile Neptune that occurred on November 9th. Saturn represents our everyday life. Neptune symbolizes our spiritual life. The sextile signifies a harmonious connection then between our inner and outer lives. What can you do with this energy at the Full Moon? Meditation is easier because stillness of the physical body takes less effort. Establishing a good habit is easier because there are fewer blocks and obstacles to achievement. It reminds me, too, of the path of karma yoga. Karma yoga means unselfish service as a path to enlightenment. With this practice, you are dedicating the tasks of your everyday life in service to the Divine instead of expecting earthly rewards or a specific outcome. In some ways it is a form of active prayer. Another similar idea is to take the peace and lovingkindness that you find in your meditation practice and take it with you throughout your day whether it's your work or relationships. Experiment with this path at this Full Moon with the Saturn sextile Neptune to get a feeling if this is a road that can take you further on your spiritual journey. In the future:
Mercury, which is retrograde now, goes direct on November 20. Things that have gone backward will start to move forward again. Keep in mind that it usually takes a feel days to really experience things progressing. At the November 20 station point, things may feel frozen but in reality things are poised to take off. Northern Illinois NCGR presents: Fixed Stars Beyond the Zodiac - Ptolemy's Great 48, Plus with Demetria Nanos Tuesday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. (Doors open at 7:00 pm.) Des Plaines Elks Lodge, 495 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016 $8.00 for Members, $12.00 for Guests My article "Tarka: The Spiritual Practice of Reflection" is now online at Yoga Chicago Magazine. It includes some questions for reflection that correspond to the astrological aspects for November and December. You can find me on: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
November 2024