Venus Retrograde - October 5 - 11° Scorpio Yesterday, I was thinking about getting a haircut and was just about to add it to my list of errands for the day. I paused and remembered that Venus is at a stationary point, going retrograde on October 5. So if my question was, should I get a haircut, the answer is no. Why? Because Venus rules everything related to beauty and I probably wouldn't like how the haircut turned out. Also, Pluto is less than a week from its stationary point (it went direct on September 30), so still in effect. Pluto is a higher octave of Mars and Mars rules both violence and sharp objects. I thought, "I don't want a stranger with scissors that close to me right now." I'll wait a week and then go. If I was a really conscientious astrologer, I would look for a really good Venus day to get a haircut. But mostly I just try to avoid trouble :) Everything in astrology really depends on the question you're asking. If your question applies to art, beauty or romantic love, Venus is one of the planetary symbols you would look at. Venus is retrograde from October 5 - November 16. It is strongest a couple of days on either side of the station points. In general, Venus retrograde is a bad time for shopping for fashion. The tendency is buy things on impulse that seem to be a bargain but are not of good quality. Venus rules Libra which is the sign of the new moon so not optimal for starting new romantic relationships or business partnerships. New Moon - Monday, October 8 - 10:46 pm CDT - 15° Libra
Libra is the astrological sign that relates to partnerships. With the Moon and Sun in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn in the New Moon chart there is perhaps an excess of passion in relationships, either bringing people together too quickly or breaking alliances apart. This is most intense three days before and after the new moon. How to make best use of this energy? As an air sign Libra has a lot to do with the mind, ideas and philosophy. Take time to evaluate the way old habits in your thought patterns and assess if changes need to be made. In particular with Libra, are you too quick to pass judgement on or critique others? How quickly do you judge or criticize your own self? Watch your thoughts. Change judgmental thoughts to blessings for yourself and the world around you. I like the following mantra for this Libra New Moon: In Sanskrit: Om lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu Or in English: May all beings attain peace and harmony My Yoga Chicago article has a little bit more about this New Moon. In the future: October 9: Astrologer and author Ray Grasse will be speaking at the Northern Illinois Chapter of NCGR on "Decoding the Highest Planet in a Horoscope." More info at
Today, as I'm writing this Uranus is in 2° Taurus making its turn retrograde. Stationary points concentrate the energy of a planet in that position. Uranus is high energy, the energy of a lightning bolt or live wire. It's accident proneness and sudden unexpected changes of plan. Stay flexible and ready for adventure over the next several days. Generally, I say to clients, "Don't stick a fork into the toaster." This is a symbol to keep you conscious of the potential for household electrical issues. You should apply this to your own circumstances. Turn off the light before you change the light bulb. Pop off the circuit breaker before you repair an electrical socket. If you see the people around you are on edge, calm yourself down first before speaking. And as I said a couple weeks ago, take a deep breath and bless your car before you drive. With all the excitement, we need some inner peace. The mantra calling on the Universe to help us find peace at every level of our being is "Om shanti, shanti, shanti". You can listen to it on the Mantra: Sounds of Transformation album - it's the last track: (Just FYI, I'm one of the voices in the chorus on this album.) '
This same week, we have the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 at 4:57 a.m. CDT in 18°Leo. The Sun represents your outer life and the Moon represents your inner life. So the inner and outer parts of you are aligned but intensified in the glow of Leo. In my article for Yoga Chicago magazine I describe this intriguing aspect to the eclipse: "the finger of God" (yod) aspect from the transpersonal Neptune and Pluto to the Eclipse Sun and Moon … reminds us that we are infinitesimally small in proportion to the universe, whereas our pride and ego are galactically large." What I mean to say is that Leo as a zodiac sign is symbolic of leadership and creativity. With the eclipse in Leo everyone needs to watch their motivations. Are you a servant leader or dictatorial leader? Are you playful and generous in your artistic endeavors or are you a diva? Over-inflated egos may get deflated by circumstances outside of their control at this time. Saturn in Capricorn is still in that favorable trine to Uranus in Taurus. Keep steady toward your goals. Your hard work will pay off, first when Mercury goes direct on August 19th and even more so after Mars ends its retrograde on August 27th. Coming up: Astrologer Lyn Ewing with be speaking on Tuesday night, August 14 at the next NCGR meeting on: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE HOUSES OF THE HOROSCOPE: THE CREATION OF IDENTITY I'm a member of this NCGR chapter and enjoy hearing different perspectives on astrology each month. Did you miss having a full moon in February? Remember that our calendar is an artificial construct that overlays the natural planetary movements. So the new moons and full moons are happening right on schedule. But sometimes a short month like February can't hold the whole pattern.
So here we are with the full moon on March 1, 2018, 6:51 p.m. CST in 11° Virgo. This full moon is opposed to Neptune at 13° Pisces. A key word for Neptune is nebulous. That means the road ahead is foggy (symbolically) at this time. It's hard to see things clearly. And easy to forget things. For example, I meant to write this post sooner. Even though I had run off the chart for the full moon and wrote notes on my to do list, it totally dropped off my inner radar until I was in the middle of taking a shower this morning (Neptune rules water) and realized the Full Moon is tomorrow. What to do when things are foggy? Wait till 3 days after the full moon to make major decisions - you may not have all the facts. (I'm talking major decisions, not what to have for breakfast.) Write everything down. Even if you normally have a great memory, things will tend to float out of your mind at this time. Pay extra attention to what you eat over the next few days. Virgo is a sign that rules part of the digestive tract. Healthy, organic foods will benefit you. Processed food may not. Pure water (i.e. filtered) is another recommendation for this Neptune time. What's the upside? Neptune is also the planet of intuition and attunement to the Divine. Artistic creativity is enhanced at this time. Take extra time for meditation and prayer. Pick music to listen to that will take you where you want to go mentally or spiritually. Or do your own mantra chanting or gospel singing. Do you like mantra chanting? I'm one of the background singers on this album: The new moon is on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 8:17 pm CST at 26° Capricorn.
Whatever you do at a new moon will follow you for at least the following two weeks. Capricorn is a sign of the earth element and the cardinal quality (a force of outgoing action). Think about the power of the earth when it moves: mud slides, avalanches etc. Remember that a huge rock slide can start as a small stream of pebbles. These pebbles are the thoughts you think repeatedly and words that you choose to say. They are also the small activities that you choose to apply toward your life goals. There is also a lineup of six planets in the sign Capricorn. Capricorn energy is all about your life responsibilities. In general, people will feel that they are surrounded by life responsibilities at this time. For those with steadiness of purpose this energy can be very productive. However …. The new moon is in a close square to Uranus (24° Aries) and a wide conjunction to Pluto (19° Capricorn). The keywords of this aspect is "rebellion against responsibilities." If you're looking at the pressure of responsibility and thinking "I quit!" this would be the time to take a deep breath and resolve to wait three or four days after the new moon and re-evaluate the situation. There's also a tendency to give others an ultimatum in the sense of "If you don't do [this], [I quit] or [I'm leaving] or [get out]." This will tend to provoke an immediate (but not usually positive) result. My spiritual tradition asks us to use wisdom when we feel these types of overwhelming emotions arise. Is it wise to speak at this time? Can you wait a few days to have that conversation? Sort things out and find inner peace through creative work: draw, paint or write poems about your feelings and emotions. Soothe the jagged edges with the mantra "Om shanti, shanti, shanti." Om is the sound of the oneness of the universe and shanti is the Sanskrit word for peace. You can use this affirmation which is one way to translate the mantra: "On every level of my being, let there be peace, peace, peace." |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
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