The Full Moon is on Saturday, February 24 at 6:30 am CST in 5° Virgo. With the Full Moon in Virgo we find ourselves concerned with the practical and the details of life. Saturn conjunct the Sun and opposed to the Moon indicates our worries and limitations are magnified. Virgo's critical expression which can be so helpful in decision making is not at its best, since it will skew toward thinking small and choosing less than we deserve. Generally, people will tend toward being self-critical. Because Mercury is also in opposition to the Moon, communication with others may contain more judgment than open-mindedness. Kindness and compassion will be helpful in these situations. To use this Full Moon as a "spiritual scientist" or astrological observer, try this simple mirror work technique: Look in a mirror, smile, and say to yourself, "Hi there! I like you!" Observe your reaction and determine how difficult or easy this was for you. Write down your score in your journal, calendar or any piece of paper: On a scale of one to ten how much resistance did you feel when you said it? Zero is no resistance (or "that felt great!"). Ten is a lot of resistance ("I totally rejected that statement"). This would be one way of measuring how much the Moon/Sun/Saturn aspect is affecting you. A further experiment would be to do it every day, tracking it for a month and see if your response changes the week after the Full Moon when the Saturn energy starts to dissipate. Or if it's different when the New Moon is in Pisces on March 10 and is even farther way - 9° separating from Saturn. Online:
What is the most elevated planet in your horoscope? It's the one closest to the Midheaven or the highest planet above the horizon. Ray Grasse, who studied with my guru Goswami Kriyananda, wrote this interesting article for the Mountain Astrologer Magazine which is now available on the site and includes an interpretation for each planet: Decoding the Most Elevated Planet
The New Moon is on Friday, February 9 at 4:59 pm CST in 20° Aquarius. One of the keywords for Aquarius is fellowship. Our social interactions are like food. Some are more nutritious than others. This New Moon could be a good time to think about who you enjoy hanging around with. Or is there something in your life that needs to be fed and is there a gathering or meetup for that? Aquarius New Moon can bring new friends or new adventures with long-time friends. The New Moon is squared to Uranus at 19° Taurus so I will add some cautions. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and both the planet and the sign have a love of freedom and an urge to rebel. This can be good energy for thinking outside the box or a lightning strike of genius. However, It can be challenging if you're at work and you feel an impulse rising to yell out "I quit!". Using this last example as a symbol, "just say no" to unexpected desires that are likely turn your life into chaos. Or at least take a week or so after the New Moon to reflect and find the path of wisdom. Happy National Haiku Writing Month!
I'm trying to write a haiku every day this month - because it's National Haiku Writing Month! February, the shortest month of the year is the most appropriate for this shortest of poetry forms. I decided not to judge my haiku, just write them. I gave myself permission to be good, bad or indifferent. Goswami Kriyananda had a Japanese haiku by Issa that he quoted from time to time: Even in Kyoto Hearing the cuckoo’s cry I long for Kyoto Here's one of the ways I look at that haiku. We try to be aware of the moment, to be in the now, but each moment is colored by all our memories and emotions of the past. So where exactly are we? What are we really longing for? Here was my haiku from the other night: Taking out garbage Quick glimpse of constellations Walking to the curb Have fun writing haiku - good creative play for New Moon in Aquarius. Coming up: 2024 - A Smorgasbord of Excitement An astrology talk by Dawn Silver Northern Illinois NCGR Tuesday, February 13, 7:30 pm via Zoom From Dawn: Guru Jupiter causes a whirlwind of exciting relationships to every planet. This is a fantastic year to start a new business as Jupiter bestows his gifts to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and the North Node. Start a healing practice, study esoteric sciences, go back to school, and take the trip of a lifetime! Registration link and more information here: |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025