The New Moon is on January 31, at 11:45 pm in 12° Aquarius. For many of us, the Aquarian feelings of fellowship and urge to get together with friends will continue to be fulfilled by social media and Zoom. That's because the New Moon is conjunct Saturn (limitation) and square to Uranus (electronics and technology). The mood of rebellion (Uranus) against those in power (Saturn) is strong. Observe your own emotions in order to balance out inner conflict between authority and defiance. You may find yourself on one side in one situation (i.e. parent/child) and on another (i.e. boss/employee) in the same day. The best mantra is "Om, shanti, shanti, shanti" or the affirmation "Let there be peace on every level of my body and mind." Mercury goes direct on February 3rd at 24° Capricorn which puts it conjunct Pluto at 26° Capricorn. If you have projects that have been going slowing or were put on hold, they will most likely have a jump start around February 3rd. Pluto is a planet of motivation and Mercury is thoughts and ideas so a lot of impetus to get going.
With communications, though, the aspect symbolizes harsh words spoken. Your responsibility is to use tact and diplomacy as much as possible. Check those quick phrases of texts and instant messaging to ensure they are not misunderstood. In about a week after the Mercury direct, things will be flowing more smoothly.
The Full Moon is on Monday, January 17 at 5:48 p.m. in 27° Cancer, the zodiacal sign of home and family. Is there something simple you can do to make your home more comfortable? Around here in the Midwest that might mean putting a comfy blanket on the couch to wrap up in during this cold weather or making a pot of soup. Incense or essential oils can lift the vibration of a living area. The Full Moon is opposed to Pluto at 27° Capricorn. I'm always looking for correspondences between events in the news and the current planetary aspects. When I saw the stories (today as I'm writing this) about the underwater Tonga volcano and tsunami, I felt that resembled the combination of aspects in the Full Moon chart. Then, I take the symbol and apply it to our inner life. Pluto is the ruler of the underworld, and therefore the fiery depths of the volcano. But "fiery depths" can also be our angers and resentments that simmer in our subconscious for a long time but suddenly "erupt" into the open. The Moon and Cancer rule the oceans and our emotions in astrology. So with the Pluto, we might see that volcanic explosion turn into a tsunami of emotion that floods out in a destructive way toward other people. What do we do with this information? Stay conscious. Be aware of when another person or something you see on TV, read in a book, or hear about on the news triggers a memory of a past hurt, anger or resentment at this Full Moon. First, you acknowledge to yourself that you recognize the aspect in as logical way as possible. "Hey, look at that - there's that Full Moon and Pluto." Or "There's that volcano heating up my emotions." Sometimes just the awareness helps us to let go and stop the build up of pressure. Secondly, we need to do things to let off steam whether it's writing it out, talking to a sympathetic friend, or going for a walk. Active forms of attunement to peacefulness can be helpful such as chanting/singing out loud. Try this mantra which means "May all beings attain peace and harmony." Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu Uranus going direct at 10° Taurus on January 18th adds to the combination of hard to manage situations indicated in the Full Moon chart. Unexpected changes of plan is one key phrase. Issues with electronics and computers can occur. Watch your anger/emotional reaction to these circumstances as well. In general, with the aspects this week, it's not a good time for important decisions. Wait a week if possible. You may find that things will be seen from a different perspective then. There is an abundance of beautiful chanting and meditative music on YouTube. Here are some I've collected:
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AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
November 2024