The first New Moon of the year is this Sunday, January 2 at 12:33 pm CST in 12° Capricorn. The down-to-earth energy of Capricorn is good for new beginnings of projects or resolutions that are practical and achievable. Think about that one thing (idea, action, or affirmation) that will be your foundation for the year. The new year and the new moon with its Capricorn potential is also great time to put organizational structures into place (calendars, task lists, etc.) which will help you to get those things done. Mercury goes retrograde on January 14th in 10° Aquarius. It will be conjunct Saturn at 13° Aquarius. Plan ahead to get important communications out or critical project started before then (or after February 3rd when it goes direct). Keep this in mind if you've made New Year's resolutions. You may feel discouraged about the results of your efforts during this Mercury retrograde period. But after it goes direct, the time and intensity you put in will begin to pay off. My astrology talk for the Temple of Kriya Yoga "Your Spiritual Journey with Astrology in 2022" can now be viewed on the Temple's YouTube here: Wishing you all a very healthy, happy and harmonious new year!
The Full Moon is on Saturday, December 18, at 10:36 pm CST in 27° Gemini. This sign is lively and social, with a strong desire to communicate thoughts, ideas, and philosophy. The polarity of the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius will illustrate the distinction between people who get the gist from reading the headlines and those who enjoy reading longer articles and books. The chart of the Full Moon includes Venus at its stationary point going retrograde on 12/19 at 26° Capricorn. Not a good time for major purchases - things turn out to be of less value that they first appear. This position of Venus puts it conjunct to Pluto. Emotionally, this aspect symbolizes strong desires and possibly jealousy and envy a few days before and after the Full Moon. Can you temper those with wisdom? Or at least stop watching those commercials where people get a new car in their driveway with a bow on it for Christmas? The Winter Solstice takes place on December 21st at 9:59 am when the Sun is at 0° Capricorn. It marks the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of a new quarter of a year astrologically. Within the chart of the Solstice, Saturn is coming up to square Uranus (the exact square is a few days later on December 24). It is important to reflect on the past year to see if we've learned to handle our internal Saturn and Uranus conflicts (sorry, there still might be outer events beyond our control no matter how internally balanced we are). The past dates for the Saturn square Uranus were February 17 and June 14th. Look back at those periods of time to get a sense of what might be happening on December 24th. One theme for Saturn square Uranus is rebellion (Uranus) against authority (Saturn). Another is the feeling of our new ideas being squashed by tradition. I've written in the past about how the approaches to the pandemic exemplify this aspect. Wearing masks is a practical way to prevent the spread of airborne diseases. Yet, there are many who feel so rebellious that they act against their own interests by not wearing a mask. The same thing is illustrated in the opposite way as Uranus indicates innovation in science like the vaccine which can ultimately bring us freedom from the confinement of pandemic restrictions. Saturn then represents the resistance of those who are reluctant to being vaccinated. From my perspective as a human who is trying to find peace and practice compassion, I need to be able to balance the emotions that arise in these types of situations and also to decide if it's necessary to take action to get my needs met. I like the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change To be honest, most of the time we can't change other people, only ourselves. Knowing that there's a stressful aspect on Christmas Eve gives us the opportunity to resist the temptation to criticize others and their beliefs (Saturn) or to toss edgy ideas into the conversation that we know will get a rise out of others (Uranus). Coming Up:
My astrology talk "Your Spiritual Journey with Astrology in 2022" for the Temple of Kriya Yoga will be online this Sunday following the noon meditation noon here: and will be available there the rest of the week. My previous noon meditations and those of other Temple swamis are here: Online: Ray Grasse studied astrology with my guru Goswami Kriyananda and my guru's guru Shelly Trimmer. Ray is featured on the latest Astrology Podcast: The New Moon, which is also a Solar Eclipse takes place on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 1:42 a.m. CST in 12° Sagittarius. This is lively energy that imbues us with a sense of adventure. If weather permits, going out into nature can be uplifting. We tend to enjoy reading books or seeing movies describing other's adventures. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius gives an attunement to religion and philosophy which matches well with the holiday season. A solar eclipse symbolizes a change in your life for the year ahead. This can be on the solar (external) level and the lunar (internal) level. It can worthwhile to think about something you would like to plant a seed for and create an affirmation for it. If you don't have a specific agenda try this affirmation "I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe" . If you're an astrology student and want to be more specific, you can look at your own natal chart and see what house the eclipse falls in. This will show what life area the change will occur in.
If you are a student of yoga, use the alternate breathing pranayama technique (nadi shodana) to balance the solar and lunar energies at this eclipse time. Right now we are in a Neptune station direct period (December 1, 20° Pisces). Under Neptune's influence this week, we are likely to be more forgetful (and not as likely to catch typos - so please forgive any you find here). Not a good time for major decisions because there may be hidden information. Good for meditation, music appreciation and enjoying the arts. My latest noon meditation for the Temple of Kriya Yoga can be found here: You can find me on: If you want to receive this blog post as an email newsletter, please contact me. |
AuthorMarcia Sacks is an astrologer in the Kriya Yoga tradition. Archives
January 2025